Nothing Comes Between Us

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*Warning: fluffy Jerrie! 🥰*


This is a really short, hurried one-shot cuz the girls together make me super excited and inspire me so much!

Wuu! 🥳

Comment and like and yeah 🤗


Disclaimer: just a little side note cuz it has happened to me before when I don't clarify it hahaha oops: when I write "Simon" I mean Simon Jones, Little Mix's current pr person. Not the rat :)


Perrie's POV

Once my hair and makeup were done, I stood up in front of my full body mirror as I waited for my ride. I couldn't believe how even earlier this morning I was still fighting this outfit concept.

"Everything I try looks crap!" I whined in the dressing room of my house, in London, a few days ago. I turned around and realized nobody was listening, so I grabbed a slipper, that was the first thing I found, and threw it to Jamie, that was supposed to be working on my style and not chinwagging with my cousin!

"Oi!" he complained when I hit him, but didn't step away from Ellie. "Babe, relax! You look gorgeous with anything! We'll find something that works in no time, okay?"

"Well, I don't see it happening, James" I told him, making sure to glare at him as I did it.

"My name is not- oh, never mind."

"Alright" Zack nodded diligent. Unlike his partner, he was in a work phone call. Or so I hoped. "Okay, hun. We'll be there in less than an hour. See ya. Bye!"

"What is it?" I asked him after he hung up his phone and started searching through the hangers of my closet. "You got a new idea?"

"Yep! Jade told me she'll be wearing black and a nude sheer corset" he said, taking down the garment he had been looking for: "this nude sheer corset."

"What?" I babbled, confused. He had pulled out one of the pieces I've used during our last tour, about two years ago. I thought I'd never use it again, and kept my sceptical expression when he intelligently paired the corset with one of the maxi dresses they had brought; one of them, the adjustable nude one by Christopher Esber.

"What do you say?" Zack asked me. Me, I thought about it thoroughly...

"... is Jade really going to use hers?" I winced, not really convinced.

"She thinks they're going to make you feel empowered. More secure" he looked at me. "So? Wanna try it on?"

"Uuh! You do love a corset, Perrie" Jamie seconded, teasingly.

"Shut up, Jamie."

Now, looking at my reflection in the mirror, I had to admit the fit had turned out really good. I mean... I was nervous back then, okay? And for a valid reason: it was my second red carpet this year, the first one after giving birth... oof. There was no baby to blame for the few pounds I had on me anymore...

Naaah... I'd be fine. Besides, everything was about my Lee-Lee tonight.

"You ready?"

My mam's voice surprised me, appearing behind me. She was holding my little sleepy baby since she was going to babysit tonight.

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