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*Warning: fictional one-shot 😜 I mean, more than usual LOL what? 😂*


How are you? How is 2020 treating ya? ❤️

Hope you're all doing fine 🤗 I'm good 😌

I just came up with this idea that was inspired by the Queen of the Night. She and her decision to wear that costume for her birthday party 😅

A goddess 😩❤️

Anyway, hope you like it! 😉

Disclaimer: just a little reminder that you know I love Jed 🤭. I'm not especially fond of Alex (and that's why I barely mention him here) but you know I do love Jed ❤️

Perrie's POV

We were at the studio, currently working on LM6. It was late, and Leigh and Jesy had left already. I was about to leave too since I was feeling sleepy, but felt an inspiration wave coming so I stayed a little longer. Besides, when Jin Jin, that was helping us write our songs, told me she had ordered sushi, my tiredness mysteriously disappeared.

I was taking a break when I heard Jade laughing after Cass Lowe, other of the writers, showed her the story he'd recorded.

"This will attract the boys, I have no doubt about it" Jade joked, taking another roll of sushi from the tray.

"The boys?" Cass inquired, incredulous. "Do you mean you are single?"

Jade made a funny face, yet I knew she didn't like to touch that subject.

"That's not smooth, Cass" I joked, laughing.

"No, don't you even go there" he warned. "I have a girlfriend" well, that's good to know. What a relieve.

"Jade, weren't you dating this hot punk rocker stud?" Jin Jin wondered. "From The Struts?"

"Oh, yeah!" Cass seconded.

Jade stirred in her seat. Clear sign that she was uncomfortable.

"We broke up. Months ago" she announced, neutrally. "Our schedules were clashing all of the time".

"Oh, what a shame!" she replied. "You were such an aesthetic pair. A hot couple" she pointed. "No doubts about it".

"Thank you" Jade mumbled.

They were. I had to admit it.

"But, if it was for you... were you still be together?" Cass wanted to know.

Excellent question. Jade would still be #GirlfriendGoals if she was putting the effort she used to into the relationship. Then Jaded would evolve into #CoupleGoals if Jed had done the same for her.

"I don't know" she said, seemingly pondering the idea.

Jin Jin gasped.

"So, you think you can go back together?"

That comment made Jade laugh. The right answer was no... wasn't it?

We changed the subject, so that conversation topic died there...

... until I brought it back to life in our way home. Jade and I shared uber since her house was on my way to mine.

"Haven't you really thought about coming back together with Jed, have you?"

"I don't think so, Pez. I haven't really seen him after that".

I nodded. Yet, I wasn't fully convinced.

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