Promise (fluff)

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*Warning: ngl there's some drama involved in this situation. I had to, or we wouldn't go anywhere 😜*

Disclaimer: I don't hold anything against any of the characters here mentioned. This is a purely fiction script, yadda, yadda...

Sorry but I have to mention this. It's just it might hurt some susceptibilities 👀, but like, even when I like to use some real concepts, chill! This is still fake 😌 so don't worry 😉 reality could be less (or more, I'd say more) Jerrie than here described (yes, I just used Jerrie as an adjective. Sue me💅🏻)

ANYWAY! Love you all, comment me your thoughts, I'm so fond of those little messages 🥺 and if you want to suggest anything, or just talk, I'm here for you 🥰

When I finished this, I realized it reminded me a style I used to write with when I was younger 🤔 so, I really hope you like it🤞🏻


Jade walked stealthily into the room she shared with her girlfriend. She spotted a blonde lock of hair peeking out of the bed covers and bit back a giggle. It was amazing how the simple sight of her tickled her soul.

"Waky-waky, Pez!" she announced in a sweet tone of voice. "Come on, is time to get up! I made you breakfast!"

The brunette approached to move the sleepy figure, but once she was closer, she started to realize a couple of odd things. For example, the silhouette across the bed was longer than normal, and the sensation under her hand was too soft...

... but most importantly: the bulge hadn't growled just yet.

"Wait a minute..." Jade narrowed her eyes, reaching for the blonde hair, that now she noticed was a little clearer than usual.

She gasped once she identified the wig on the pillow. And screamed when something pushed her from behind and knocked her over the bed.

"Surprise attack!" the voice yelled, terrifying the brunette, but only during the moment before she could recognize it as her favourite one.

"Oh my gosh, Perrie!" Jade whined, turning around to face her assaulter, now on top of her.

"I got you!" the blonde exclaimed and made a little victory dance.

Well, at least Jade could be a hundred percent sure she was not asleep anymore.

"Geez! You're such a child!" Jade rolled her eyes, but couldn't help a grin at her girl's happiness.

She reached for the dancing neck. Cupping her face, took her time to appreciate those shiny blue eyes.

Perrie finally looked down to the girl beneath her, which made her smile even wider. Even flush a little when she noticed she got all the brunette's attention.

"Good morning" she greeted.

"Hey" Jade mumbled, but moved her face to one side when Perrie tried to proclaim her lips in a morning kiss. "Wait, no..."

"Why?!" the blonde pouted. "Are you mad at me? It was just a little game..."

"No, baba" she reassured her, giving a little bop to her nose. "But I just gave a sip to my coffee. And I know you don't like it".

Perrie pondered for a moment.

"Really? Mmh... let me see" she requested, before leaning down to capture her girlfriend's lips on her own.

It was just a simple contact at first, but soon became more than that; Perrie gave a few little licks to the plump lips, savouring the dark taste, but finding it sweet. A few more ministrations later, and feeling a little more adventurous, thrusted her tongue into Jade's parted lips, making her pleasurably moan into the kiss.

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