My Love Won't Let You Down

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*Warning: did you cry with the song? Well... *

Hello, umm. This is a really short, slightly Jerrie one-shot, from a vision I had today in regards of Jesy's absence in this weekend's activities. I'm not here to feed the rumours, nor to clarify anything because obviously I don't really know what's going on with her lately. Me, just like all of you, just hope for her to get better soon, so let's send her all good wishes and positive vibes. I always encourage for you to comment here, and you can, but please, nothing about any possible rumours or personal situations. Remember, we're just fans, not her close family and friends. We can just support her career and wish her the best in her life. As always, this is a fictional idea I had in my head and wanted to post here with the only purpose to share a part of my soul with you. Thank you.


Perrie reluctantly woke up in the middle of the night. The dim lights on the night stand were on, and there was no sign of sun yet. The few sounds of the exterior were muffled in the silence of the room.

They were on Jade's flat; the digital clock on the wall signalled the 2:14 a.m.

Once the blonde got used to the light, through her tired, haggard eyes, she distinguished Leigh's silhouette half a meter away from her.

Her worried friend had been moving her shoulder, attempting to wake her up. Once she succeeded, she pointed at the little bundle on the middle of the two of them.

With her senses more alert, Perrie could put more attention to it and identified some almost inaudible sobs coming from her little princess, who just a moment ago she thought was sleeping soundly in the cozy gap between her arms.

Leigh looked at her, tired, and silently agreed. Both knew they had to do something if they wanted to go back to sleep.

As the compliant girlfriend she was, Perrie knew it was her cue; she gulped, clarifying her raspy voice and, with a lump on her throat, already anticipating the tears she'd witness, called her.

"Jade?" she mumbled, gently caressing her back. "Are you awake?"

The small brunette insisted in hide her face in the blonde's chest, who now could notice how the girl's shoulders trembled along her secret cry. She exchanged a concerned look with Leigh.

"We can see you, baba" Perrie insist her.

Jade took a deep breath and pulled away, leaving her hiding place, and confirming her bandmates' suspicions; her eyes were swollen, and her redden cheeks were stained by bitter tears she had let drop from the bottom of her hurt soul.

"Oh, Jadey" Leigh mumbled, moved, as the blonde worked to sit and wrap the slightly smaller frame in her arms.

Perrie hated to see her cry, more than anything in the world, but she couldn't blame her.

"What's going on, baby?" she asked her softly, even when the response was painfully clear.

"I miss Jesy" she whispered, resuming her cry.

Earlier, she had taken the role of the rock for her and Leigh-Anne, since she had been the only one that hadn't dropped a tear despite the events that stirred Little Mix's life.

She had probably grown a thick armour to endure the busy schedule and keep the professionalism intact all day. Once she was safe at home, she could finally took it off.

"No... baby, there's nothing for you to worry about" Perrie muttered, holding her tight, as gathering strength to fight against the sentiment that threatened her to set her off.

Jade took a deep breath to calm herself, but the tears just kept on going.

"She used to come to me..." she remembered with shaky voice. "... and ask me for help".

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