Isolation (smuffly)

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*Warning: stay safe! ❤️*

I asked what kind of one-shot you wanted and I swear you just want to make me look like a perv!... that apparently, I am, but still 🤦🏻‍♀️😂


Perrie's POV


"Hi, Perrie! It's Holly".

Jade's flatmate called me on this Friday evening.

"Is everything okay?"

We're supposed to keep social distancing because of this awful pandemic, and me personally, I had been on my house from days before the isolation even began because I was scared, but I'm not really having a bad time at all. Still, there were plenty of people that weren't good keeping themselves busy indoors. One of those people was Jade.

So, Holly called me because she had been invoked urgently to take care of her little nephews for the weekend, since the kids were insanely bored and their parents were going crazy and didn't know what else to do. She was going to the rescue, but at the same time, she didn't want to leave Jade alone, because apparently, she tripped and hurt her foot and now was limping all over the flat.

"I wish I hadn't told her I needed to go out, 'cuz now she insists on me to leave and not cancel because of her. You know how she is..."

"Yes, definitely" I replied. Typical Jade.

"So... it's a lot to ask but, you know, the people we can call for this kind of situations is limited these days..."

"No, no, I get it. And don't worry. I'll be there in an hour, tops. If you need to leave before then, I'm sure she won't stay alone that much".

I dressed up to go out and packed some things I might need. Jade is known for hesitating so much when asking for help, but as any other person, she has needs. At least the need of company. So, even if she doesn't ask for it, I'll always got her back.

I arrived to her flat and knocked on her door. I waited for a little bit and, a couple of minutes later, she opened.

"Perrie" she muttered. The surprise on her face was only hidden by the relief she shown when she saw me.

"May I come in?"

I didn't wait any longer and engulfed her in my arms.

"What are you doing here? Oh, no..." she turned around, and couldn't hold a groan at the sight of the messy room. I only giggled. It always seemed adorable to me how Jade could be both an order freak and a chaos in different spaces of the same apartment. "I swear I was cleaning all this mess up, okay?" she apologized, slowly leaning down to pick a pair of shoes, struggling because of her injure. She wobbled a little, so I rushed to her side to prevent her from falling.

"It's okay, leave it" I told her, holding her. "You didn't know you were going to have visitors any time soon".

Holly had left already so we were alone. Yet, because of my outdoors exposition and refusal at keeping distance as soon as I saw her, now we both needed to take a shower and change our clothes, for safety. I'm sorry, but what could I do? I missed her. Still, I was worried for her injure so I offered her help; she told me she'll take more time than usual, but she'd manage.

"Alright..." I agreed. "But, have you had dinner yet?"

"Uhh..." she hesitated. "I was eating some popcorn" she told me, signalling a half-eaten bowl in the kitchen top "... last night".

"Jade!" I reprimanded her.

"I'm not really that hungry" she argued "... it's not like I'm going to be dancing around and burning calories anyway".

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