Touch (smut)

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*Warning: a Competitive Mix company production 😂*

Sorry! 😅 I know it took forever 😭 but I wasn't feeling totally in love with the things that were coming out 💔

Anyway, how are you? Good? Good 😌

Thanks for the new followers, wow 😱 and 50K views already 🥺 Awesome.

Enjoy this new one-shot! 🤞🏻


Little Mix's girls were in the studio doing radio promo in Sydney prior to the Get Weird tour in Australia. In the middle of the interview, Jade decided to look in Perrie's direction.

There she was. Flawless as ever. The blonde wasn't putting too much attention in the interview, but Jade couldn't blame her; neither was she. Yet it bothered her that those hypnotizing blue eyes weren't looking back at her. Her beautiful blond silky hair, falling down on her shoulders. One single hair flip was the death of her, she knew. Also, the way her perfect-shaped nose made her look like a model when her expression was rather serious or distracted. And those lips... Perrie had captured the lower one between her white teeth, and once she released it, it looked a little bit pinker, a little bit warmer. And soft, as they normally are...

"Jade?" Perrie muttered, smiling while raising her eyebrows as if she was moved or had found something adorable. Jade always found that exact reaction just as adorable.

"What?" Jade babbled.

"What's your favourite series right now?" Leigh echoed the question of the interviewer.

"Uhh... I don't know" she sheepishly answered, what everybody found absolutely cute.

Truth was, her mind had gone completely blank, and the only thing that she could think about was Perrie. Luckily, apart from her flushed cheeks, nobody had noticed anything.

Except for the blonde next to her, who could totally read her mind. And because of that, she enjoyed bothering Jade by staring at the brunette really attentively for the rest of the interview, watching her squirm in her seat, uncomfortable.

And not content with the nervous effect she was successfully producing on her, Perrie cheekily caressed her thigh under the table too. Not once, but several times. Smiling wickedly when she felt the brunette trembling under her touch.


Once the interview was over, they thanked the hosts and were directed to a lounge room where they would wait to give the next radio interview.

Jade, in a hurry to get out of there, was the first walking down the empty hall, but before she could get to the waiting area, she felt a couple of hands dragging her back by her waist.

When she turned around, she found a precious blonde that, with an amused expression, didn't hesitated on pinning Jade to the wall.

"Perrie..." the brunette started, but couldn't finish the sentence due to the nice pressure the felt on her chest. And her tummy. But, more importantly, on her crotch. "What are you doing?" she stuttered.

The darkened blue orbs travelled all over her face, stopping at the striking lips.

"What do you think I'm doing?" the blonde mumbled, playfully.

Perrie's naughty fingers descended through the brunette's body, caressing the delicate curves.

"Pez... don't..." Jade begged, already panting.

"Oh, Jadey" Perrie lightly chuckled. "Please, don't act as if you had not wanted me to fuck you over the presenter's desk" she teased, squeezing her bum in the process.

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