Get Weirder (smut)

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*Warning: I'm going to be honest with you: it's not even thaaat smut 😂 it's just to respect our beloved format 🥰 cz I don't even know anymore! LOL*

Jade's POV

Fuck. Imma start to cry. Here, in front of almost 14,000 souls. Next to her. In this stupid big-ass flying Dorito, which means nowhere to hide.

I promise I'm trying to be professional, but I can't help it! Usually, by this time of the year, I'm so excited; winter arrives, so parka-time does too. Christmas is coming, and then my birthday, and New Year's Eve...

It's the best season to spend time with the ones you love... but it could be the most depressing too, if you were single, as in my case; it's the first end of year I'll be spending alone after two wonderful winters in a row with my ex. To add to the sad hour, a few more days and the best tour experience I'd ever had will be over!

But I've known this for a while, and I hadn't cried before. What is different about tonight then? Oh, yeah. I remember.

Alex is here.

Alex, Perrie's boyfriend, is in town so he finally could meet us on tour and, because of that, Perrie has been acting... weird.

I enjoyed the cool interactions we had on stage, harmonizing, dancing, laughing... flirting with each other... but now I'm conscious he's watching us from the audience. And he might not display this joy... but he gets to experience it for real.

That's why I'm crying. Secret Love Song gets me every time, but tonight, I couldn't cope. Perrie was really sweet and attentive, asking me if I was alright during the entire song. Well, during the rest of the concert actually. Every chance she got during the rushed outfit changes she kept asking me how I was. And her gaze never left me until she really had to.

She even tried to cheer me up on stage; dancing behind me during Reggaeton Lento, she got super close and provoked a really thrilling response from the crowd. Also, the other time she could get closer to me again, during More Than Words... she squeezed my butt. Like... hard.

I mean, from all the different ways she could encourage me... for real, sis.

I'm not saying I didn't like it tho.

Despite of all of that, I'm sorry, but I knew this time was going to be harder to lift my spirits: everything started with me, glancing at her in the middle of the concert, remembering the first times we got to sing that special song live: back In the Get Weird era.

Do you remember? Second half of 2015, everything was so... different. Of course, it was a rough time, for Perrie at least. I had been single for about a year and a half, but Perrie just had the most awful experience getting out of her four-year relationship with Zayn. I remember I stuck to her and never left her side for six months. It was sad at the beginning, seeing Perrie cry and blame herself for everything that had happened, but then I witnessed her resurfacing from ashes and we got to spend the best moments of our lives together.

I remember we had sleepovers all of the time, we went everywhere together, we joked and made each other laugh. Stuff like that were normal back then between us. Even on stage! We hugged all of the time, called each other sweet names. More than usual. You know, embrace the ship. One time at her place, we even got drunk and kissed...

But that wasn't taking us anywhere, so I decided to give it an end: I started dating Jed at the beginning of the next year. Bad thing was Jed was so nice, and he didn't mind Perrie and I continue with our little games. Even encouraged us.

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