A.D.I.D.A.S. (fluff)

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*Warning: this is a really ambitious project 🙊*

Also, don't question too much the name of this OS 😏 take it as wise little Jade's words said, not once, but many, many times: it's art.

Hope you like it! 🤞🏻

Jade's POV

"Do you have a four?"

"Nah. Go fish" Perrie replied, half smiling.

"Are you sure?" I insisted, patiently. Perrie looked at me cheekily.


"You have to give it to me" I remembered her.

"But I don't want to!" she whined, making me chuckle.

"That's not how you play it, hun" I told her, fondly.

"This is a stupid game. It's too hard" she pouted, leaving her cards on the table, while Lesy entered by the door.

It's literally the easiest card game I know. Why is she so adorbs?

Anyway, we were sitting at the kitchen table in the LM5: The Tour-bus, waiting for Lesy to arrive after our two-days break. Both of them appeared in the bus entrance, joined by Jesy's boyfriend, Chris.

"Hello!" Jesy greeted.

"Hi!" I replied, reviewing my cards. "How was your break?"

"It was so much fun, thank you for asking" Leigh answered, her gaze never leaving the floor. Odd.

"Wait. Did you guys just arrive together?" Perrie ask them, randomly, narrowing her eyes. I haven't even noticed that.

"We met in the parking lot" Jesy replied in brief. Leigh nudged her in the ribs. "Ow! What was that for?"

"We're not lying to them, remember?" Leigh muttered to her.

Perrie and I looked at each other, and then to Lesy, now intrigued. Jesy just rolled her eyes.

"Whatever you like" she replied to Leigh, pushing a waving Chris down the hall. "We'll be on the back".

"Yeah, you better sleep, you naughty lovebirds" Leigh mocked them, until they left the room.

"So?" I asked Leigh. "What was all that about?"

"Uhh... alright. I'll tell you" Leigh resigned, with an expression that looked guilty, like they had done something, but at the same time, she seemed like she didn't regret it at all: "Jesy and Chris stayed at my place last night".

"You did a sleepover without us?" I asked her.

"I beg your pardon?" Perrie retorted too.

"No, girls. Please, don't feel bad" she reassured us. "Remember I say all of the time I always wanted to have a double date, full of activities, with friends? Well... I just accomplished that" she told us. "Jesy, Chris, Andre and I went to a horror house last night, then we had dinner at an ice-skating rink. It was amazing!"

She looked so happy.

"Excuse me?" Perrie not so much. "Can I feel bad now?"

"Sorry. Is one of one those things that happen" she said, nonchalantly, dismissing us. "One day you'll forgive us. I think" she said, before leaving and closing the door behind her.

"Ha! So, that's what being left out feels" Perrie mumbled and pouted.

I scoffed.

"You know what's funny? If we were a couple, like we used to say we were, back then, remember? We would have been able to go in a triple date with them" I told her. Perrie just stared at me, at my suggestion. And I knew why: "Oh, right, I almost forget. You're not single" I said, since Alex was sometimes too busy to see her. It was something I used to bother her with.

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