Santa is a Geordie

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*Warning: the next chapter has been identified to potentially trigger people due the amount of flash... backs it contains. They'll be flanked in these tho: ¨~~~¨ Thanks 🤗*

Hi guuys! How are you? ☺️

Umm... this is a cute chapter 🥰 it's full with references 🙃 and I don't know if you'll notice, but it's reaaally long 😝 Also, don't forget to read the changes in the POV's so you don't get confused 🥺 after the *** it's generally my POV 😌

Haha amm, yeah, feel free to comment 😅 and vote, if you want 😏

Hope you like it! 🤞🏻


"Of course... well, take care, darling... and see you soon" Norma Thirlwall said, ending the call.

It was Christmas Eve in South Shields. An unusual silence filled the atmosphere.

Jade was sitting on the living room couch, attentive to her mother's side of the conversation.

"Is he coming on time?" Jade asked Norma once she put the phone down.

At the sight of the hope-filled eyes on her daughter's expression, Norma sighed.

"Listen, Pet..."

Jade huffed, interrupting her.

"You just had to say 'no'".

Rolling her eyes, stood up and walked to the kitchen, leaving her mother behind.


It occurred to Jade's older brother, Karl, and a bunch of his friends to leave right before Christmas to go on an excursion in a city to the north, in Tyne and Wear's neighbouring county. He had promised to come back before Christmas Eve, unfortunately, the bad weather had blocked the roads and now he and his friends were forced to spend the holidays in a secluded hotel in the mountains.

The worst part was that, since the family couldn't reunite on Christmas Eve, because Karl would be absent anyway, Jade's relatives opted for making other plans for that night, letting her and her mother alone until Christmas day afternoon, when they had postponed the meeting.

"Jade..." Norma insisted when she found her sitting at the kitchen table. She still looked upset. "You know this is not your brother's fault".

Jade sighed, becoming aware of her actions.

"I know, mum. I'm sorry" she apologized. "It's just... I really miss him, and was really looking forward to spend tonight with everyone".

"I know..." Norma told her, going to hug her. "But it will be fine. Maybe we won't be together tonight, and is true, is a special night. But let's not forget, it's also a special season, so let's just try to make the best of it, shall we?"

Jade nodded, responding to the hug.

"Now..." the daughter continued, parting from the hug. "It's not a lot, but I still think you prepared too much food just for the two of us".

"What's Christmas Eve without a feast?" Norma said, conceited. "Besides... I might have invited a couple of guests".

"You might have...?" Jade replied, taken aback. "What?"

As in a cue, Jade heard the sound of car doors closing outside. She ran to the front of the house.

"Mom! But why you didn't tell me anything?" she asked, trying to identify the visitors through the window, but the fog there was covering her visibility.

"Please, attend the door and let them in, alright?" her mom asked her, nonchalantly, after the doorbell rang.

"But I'm not dressed up!" Jade complained, noticing, alarmed that she was in her Disney pyjamas.

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