Get Weirder 3 (smuffly)

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*Warning: LOWER YOUR EXPECTATIONS! I'm kidding 😂 it's just... this has been the most requested one-shot by far... I'm nervous, lol. Please be nice 🥺*

Jade's POV

I don't know what's going on with Perrie lately.

One moment, she acts so nonchalantly, like during the ending of the tour party. She ignored me the entire night, while having the best time of her life with her other friends. It's okay, I mean, I don't consider myself a spiteful person... but how could she spend the night doing all those insane moves, being that close to the other girls, with so little clothes on... looking obscenely good... but she couldn't take the time to come to me and talk or apologize for the fight we had earlier? Because she provoked it.

Still, I'm a grown up, and I could have given the first step to make up with her, but I didn't. And you know why? Because Alex was there too. And don't even get me started. 'Cause I haven't get over how he dares to treat her. But who, seriously, who, in his right mind, prefers to play videogames instead of... ugh! Just, don't go there, Jade. Relax.

As I was saying, one moment she ignores me completely... and the second after that, she's all over me! Like that night during Secret Love Song... she has always been that protective, caring friend I adore, always knowing what's up with me without even having to say a word... but the Nico thing? She was right! I didn't notice anything. Even when he revealed it to me last night, I was shocked! That man... good thing we solved everything between us, and we're still friends.

Nonetheless, Perrie... it worries me because there's been a lot of disagreements between us only in the past days, too many for two sisters who claim 'never fight'. Something must be going wrong. One thing that proves it is that night. When she appeared at the door of my hotel room... that went wrong. Not right at all. Nope...

Despite it felt...

What the fuck. I wish I could stop thinking about it. It's been hovering my mind the entire week! Maybe more... but what can I say? I mean, what can I do?

Now, here we are...

Perrie's POV

I'm. Going. Crazy. With Alex... oh my God. Why does it have to be so difficult?! I wish it was so simple as going out with friends. Because the whole point of a relationship is to turn your partner into your best friend... not wanting as a partner your best friend, Perrie. Come on!

And why it has to be Jade?! Why her?!

I can't help obsess over her and everything that surrounds her. I swear! For example, when she started crying over Secret Love Song that day... I wanted to hug her so bad to ease her, but the stupid harness! I couldn't even figure out why was she so... sad.

All of a sudden, she became so mysterious... like last night during the party, when she disappeared... but then also did Nico. Ugh, I wasn't going to stay there as a dumb person, asking for her. When I'm pretty sure everyone knew where she was, and with whom. No, ma'am. That's why I left.

I love Jade so much, but lately I feel I always screw everything up with her! I get nervous, my mouth starts moving and words that shouldn't come out, do. Then is when I panic and... she goes away.

How I wish I could stop her somehow. Every time, seriously. And shut me up at the same time. Maybe if I try to retain her in my arms, so she doesn't leave... but then how I seal my lips? Well, with hers...

Ugh! See what I mean? I'm losing it. Where that thought came from?

Right... like I haven't had that desire in my mind the entire week! Maybe more...

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