(A/N: Yes, we doing an Estelle's POV)

I refused to believe it. Tyson was not dead. He was just in coma. But part of me knew that he was, his face was ghostly white and his chest remained still. Percy, Annabeth and I stayed like that, hugging, for ages. Finally, we three broke apart. I ran to Tyson's body.

'Tyson!' I cried, determined that he shout something like, Estille! Estille! Let's play! But he didn't. His lips didn't move, his eyes didn't flutter, and my hand on his chest felt nothing beating. I broke down. Annabeth massaged my shoulders. My tears fell on her long fingers and her tears soaked her t-shirt. Now I knew why Percy liked her. Now I understood. I turned around and hugged her. We all need hugs now. After I pulled away Percy was shaking Tyson's body violently, pleading Tyson to wake up.

'Percy.' Annabeth caught him, 'He's not going to wake up.'
It was the truth. We needed the truth.
'He'll always be your brother.' she said, tears spilling, 'I'll be with you two for how long you want.'
'We can go now.' Percy said, tears spilling on his screen as he checked the time, 'the body will be given tomorrow or something...'
'You sure?' Annabeth asked, wiping her tears.

Percy nodded. He held me and walked to the counter. We walked out of the hospital after paying for the help. My fingers lingered on the car door but in the end I got in the back-seat. I think Percy would need Annabeth, not his equally run down sister. He drove us back home, forgetting about the fact that Annabeth needed to go home. She didn't seem to mind. He took the house key's from his pocket and got in. Mom was asleep. I could tell, but a few seconds later her bedroom door opened, she must have heard the squeak sound our door made.

'Estelle? Percy? I thought you'd be back earlier.'
'Mom!' I cried and run up to her hugging her, Percy followed. I cried hard, and I only cried when things were bad. Mom read our mind. She cried harder than I'd ever see her cry. 

Annabeth joined us when me and Percy invited her. We cried until all of us had no tears left.

Percy's POV

'Oh,' I wiped my eyes, 'I forgot you needed to go home, Annie.' 
'It's fine- I'll stay. My step-mother will go berserk if I show up at three AM at night.' Annabeth replied.
'The guest room is a full mess, Perce.' Mom said, 'And for this night- no one is sleeping on the couch.' 
We all knew what she meant.
'She can sleep with me,' I suggested.
'It's the only option.' Mom said.

I changed in the bathroom in my nightclothes and Annabeth borrowed some of Mom's college clothes. Soon we were in the bed. We both kept our distance, but we were holding hands under the cover. I looked into her stormy eyes, she looked into mine. Something passed between us, but I wasn't sure what. She leant in and kissed my foreahead, the point burned. She did not let go of my hand. It was nice to have a hand held by your crush when you just lost your little brother.

'What did you want to say to me at the hospital?' she laced her fingers in mine, it was a genuine question.
'Nothing.' I said. I barely remembered what I wanted to tell her, because at that time- I was blinded by sadness.
Our phone's pinged, twice, thrice. We only shared one group.
'The other's found out.' I said

We're sending our love Percy. Leo and Callie.- Leo.Valdz
Thx- Persea.Jackson

Thank's for keeping our ocean together Annabeth- Piper.Mclean
It was nothing- Annabeth.Wisegurl
Are we allowed to call him Seaweed Brain? It's getting weird calling him ocean- Manbaby.Zhang

No. That's copyright from Wisgurl- Persea.Jackson
We'll meet tomorrow... if there's anything we can do - Jason.Your.Grace
Come to the funeral- Persea.Jackson
Ofc- Leo.Valdz
We will- Hazel.Nut
You changed your username- Leo.Valdz
Whatever- Hazel.Nut
Of course we will Percy!- Annabeth.Wisegurl
We're going to bed- Persea.Jackson
We?- Leo Valdz
Me and Estelle- Persea.Jackson
Goodnight- Persea.Jackson

My hand found it's way back to Annabeth's. I held it tight. Slowly my hand loosened and I got sucked into sleep.

In the morning, I looked down. Annabeth's face was nuzzled into my chest. We had our arms wrapped around each other. I suppose we both cried in the middle of the night. Her hair was wet and my shirt was wet. We cried on each other. She woke up and jumped back.

'Oh! I'm so sorry! I really didn't mean too- and we're in the bed-'
'It's fine!' I cut in quickly, 'It's not like we kissed or anything...'
'It's fine? Thank god! I wouldn't want you to think anything... we're just friends, aren't we?'

Great. So I got friendzoned at least twice in this year by the same girl. Great. Just great. Nevertheless, I nodded.

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