ɢᴀʟᴇꜱ ɢᴜɪᴅᴇ ᴍᴇ ≫ ᴠᴇɴᴛɪ

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(Y/n) then loosely wrapped her arms around herself. "I overheard a conversation I don't think I was meant to hear..." She was honest. "It was about me. It was about some sort of premonition or glimpse of what's to come..."

"Even if it's not true, like Aether hopes it is, I don't know what to do..." Her voice was reduced to audible whispers. "I don't know what's my next step..."

The bard outstretched his arms. "Come on," He encouraged her into an embrace. "Bring it in."

The woman stared at his invitation for a few seconds. She then slowly took a few steps towards him, caving into his arms once inside.

Venti stiffened up a bit at the touch but immediately relaxed. "You'll be okay," He gently patted her shoulder with a hand.

"...How can you be so sure?" She asked him.

A question that wasn't new to the Anemo Archon, he knew exactly what to say. "The winds will howl. And when they call, their voices will lead you," Venti explained. "Things will go where they're supposed to go if you just let them take their natural course. So have a little faith in what I'm telling you."

And when (Y/n) glanced up at him, his heart skipped a beat.

Venti couldn't recall a time he was this close to her face. He could distinguish every lash that framed her eyes, and every little dune of her (e/c) irises.

Gods are far removed from mortal experience. The trails they tread know not the shoes of those who bask in their radiance. They are closest to divinity, mere threads away from absolute authority.

But Venti was an absent god, perhaps even frowned upon by those who sit so high in the heavens above. He was certain if all the Archons were to stand in a fine line that weighed their crown by the heaviest, he wouldn't have one to begin with.

Amidst the seven, he was the weakest. And perhaps, he was even the only one closest to being mortal if it weren't for the divine boundary he couldn't cross.

But he's been this way for so long, surely he knew what these things he has been feeling were.

The bard then averted his gaze. It was cast off elsewhere, as if breaking away from the mere glimpse of her would clear his head.

"There's something else you should probably know..." He began. "Something I never imagined to have sitting on the top of my tongue for such a long time as it has."

(Y/n) kept her eyes fixed on him. "What is it?" She asked, expecting him to admit he was in some sort of trouble with a local.

Venti had this thing about him, where his demeanor would change with the breeze. He becomes quieter, more serious. And he assumes a wiser identity, one she presumes to be the inner god he is. It was always captivating to hear what'd he say then, and it seemed this was one of those moments by the way his expression calmed in extremes.

"I..." He paused briefly, his eyes cowering. "I've never felt more lonelier in my entire existence since born of a prayer. And no matter how many bottles I drink, my mind can't help but wander towards the things I try to forget."

(Y/n) felt her heart sink a little. She had no idea that's how he had been feeling for the longest time behind that joyous smile of his.

"Contrary to how youthful I may appear..." He continued. "I carry with me ageless memories of people I've encountered. Memories that hurt. Even his." That last word broke his well-collected composure.

The bard glanced up into her (e/c) eyes, his pupils darting across her face as he gathered courage. "But I find myself at ease with you. You who doesn't judge me nor hesitates to hold me up when I can't do it myself," His lips slightly curved upward. "And all these little things you do, I take them to heart. I can't help but feel something pull at the strings of my very core when you're around."

His fingertips found their way towards hers. "Is this exactly what makes mortals, mortal?" He asked her. "Gods hardly know what that's like. But if it's this, I want to experience it with you."

(Y/n) stared at him. And after what seemed like forever, she spoke up.

"...But, you're a god," The woman let out a laugh in disbelief. "I don't- I mean, I..." Surely it wasn't possible he'd caught feelings? She thought.

Venti stared back wide eyed at her in anticipation, a little prayer repeating in his head that somehow, she'd feel the same way.

(Y/n) took a deep breath in. "What I'm trying to say is..." She collected herself. "I'm not sure what about me, or what I've done, has caused you to feel this way about me. I'm- I'm just... me."

His eyes were youthful and round, the teal hues like a piece of sea glass glimmering in the broadness of daylight.

He then gently reached to tuck a few lose strands of hair behind her ear. "I realized you're more than a disciple or a mere friend," He began. "And there isn't anywhere you'd be where I'm not with you, regardless of my given form. I can't even bear thinking of a day where you aren't here by my side."

She was surprised to see the slightest swelling of tears threatening to fall from the corners of his eyes.

"But it's simple, really," He continued. "Of all the things my eyes have seen, the best by far is you. And just knowing that tells me its true; that I'm no place without you."

(Y/n) felt a warmth spread throughout her face. The woman who'd usually maintain her cool and keep her chin up was now engulfed in a flustered state.

Venti pulled her tighter into his arms, embracing her as though she'd disappear if he were to let go. And it was then he could confirm he was indeed in love with her, for this moment filled him whole in a way he could simply never alone.

Somewhere in the heat of the moment, her lips had found themselves pressed to his. Their faces were so close to each other, it was only natural the slightest brush would end this way.

(Y/n) stared into his eyes as he pulled away.

Venti stared rather endearingly. "No visage of the future could ever keep me from you," He said. "Regardless of how far its stretch takes you."

(Y/n) was speechless.

Never could she have imagined her journey would be woven this closely knitted to a god. A god who loves her nonetheless.

Maybe things would be okay after all.

(Y/n) wrapped her arms around him, not wanting to let go in the slightest. And Venti; well, who was he to argue with she who he loved the most? He too never wanted to let go.

He'd stay like this forever if he could.


𝐀𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐚𝐜𝐥𝐞 | Genshin ImpactNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ