He handed me the chocolates and I stormed out of the shop. I went home and knocked.


I could hear crying and screaming.


Estelle opened the door. There was blood pooling around everywhere.

'Shit, shit. SHIT!' I grabbed estelle by the shoulders firmly, but not harshly. She didn't meet my eyes, but I could tell there were tears in them, 'Where's Tyson? What happened?'
she shook her head, 'It's my fault!' she cried. She pointed at a crying Tyson on the carpet. his leg twisted oddly and his head bleeding.
'W-What happened?'
Estelle simply shook her head in guilt.
'Estelle SPEAK!' I yelled. Tears fell on the carpet, 'Why didn't you call me?'
'I-I panicked and my phone was off.'
I was feeling tears in my eyes, 'SPEAK! WHAT HAPPENED?!'

Estelle refused to. I needed her to speak. I rushed to Tyson, he had lost a lot of blood. He was unconscious.

'ESTELLE!' I yelled.
'He wanted to play on the roof...' she said, 'And then one of his b-balls fell of it and he went to get it!'
'Didn't you stop him?'
'I-I...' she burst into sobs, 'I couldn't! He was too fast! And when I reached where he was he had already... already...'
'Estelle it's ok!' I said, trying to calm her down, 'It's not your fault.'

She hugged me tight and I felt tears falling down my own cheeks. Her tears soaked my shirt.

'I'm sorry!' she sobbed.
'It's OK.' my voice cracked.
I tried to call my mom but her phone was off.
'It's fine!' 

I called up Annabeth. She said her childhood friends mother was a doctor, and she lived in our neghbourhood. Though that girl didn't go to Goode, she went to an all girls school called Cotton High. To my relief, Annabeth picked up.


Annabeth's POV

I tried not to think about Percy. Why was that hard? I didn't know. 

'Annie!' Piper squealed as she entered my room. We had agreed that she would be staying the night, because her celebrity dad, Tristan Mcleam, had to go on a trip and he thought that it would be safer that she stay at a friends house.
'Have you got everything you need?' I said, 'You are staying over for a week, right?'
'Yeah.' she said, 'I took time thinking about how many clothes I should take and how much was enough,' she then added in explanation, 'My dad has the keys to our house so...'
'If you don't...' I said smiling, 'You can use my clothes.'
'Thanks Annie, but I really didn't want to be a burden.'
'Burden? You're my best friend! Oh, and Hazel wanted to come over so...'
'I'm all in!'

Like clockwork, the doorbell rang and my step-mother called me down in her usual obnoxious tone.

'Mess anything,' she said sharply, 'You will see, that all the times you call me useless, I'm useful in instiling-' 
It wasn't cool and convincing, so I cut her off, 'Yeah- you are useful, if you weren't there, I wouldn't be able to see the good things in my life, because there would be no bad things.'

Leaving her wondering what I meant, I led Hazel upstairs. 

'Sorry you had to see that,' I said, 'I really-'
'SORRY?!' Hazel responded with a laugh, 'That was savage girl!'
'Yeah I guess,' I said softly, 'So what do you want to do?'
'Truth and Dare?' Piper said
'How about... just dare!' Hazel imitated Bellatrix Lestrange from Harry Potter in the movies when she laughed.
'Yes!' I laughed, 'Sounds perfect.'

My phone rang just then. Surprisingly, it was Percy.

'Hey-  Um...' I said, 'Percy's calling- I'm gonna take this and be back.'
Piper coughed, 'Percy?'
'Shut it.' I said.

I picked up the phone and walked out of the room.

'Hello?' a voice rang out through it. It was barely audible over the screaming and crying, 'Annabeth?'
'Percy? Is everything okay?'
'No.' Percy said, 'it isn't.' 
'Tell me.' I said immedietely. I could tell Percy was crying, his voice cracked and he was sniffling.
'It's Tyson.' he explained the situation, Tyson's fall, Estelle trying to help him, 'And then...'
'Your brother?' I said, 'Tyson, right? Your brother?
'Yes.' he said, 'Somethings wrong with him, he fell of a roof- I mean, yeah. You- you said- I need, her help - your doctor's mom, I mean you said-'
'That my friends mom is a doctor?'
'Why didn't you call the hospital...?'
'They're on their way, but we need help now- and your friends mom is the closest- and...'
'Look, we're on our way. Just stay there. Stop any means of bleeding. Stay on the phone and tell me if he's not breathing.'

I put the call on hold.

'Guys, it's an emergency.'
'What happened?' Hazel asked.
'Percy's brother fell of a roof- no time to explain - you guys coming?'
They nodded vigorously.
'Pipes, call Jason and tell him we're postponing the meet up till tomorrow.'
'Done.' she flipped her phone and started typing.

Running to Mrs. Mendez's house, I explained the most I knew. When we reached Percy's house, just next to mine, I peeked through the window. Estelle was asleep in Percy's hands, out of shock, fear and worry. He laid her on the sofa. He saw me and practically sprinted to the door.

Mrs. Mendez, Piper and I gasped at the scene. Hazel went white. Blood was all over the place from where Estelle must have dragged Tyson around the floor looking for anything to help.

'He's lost lot of blood, I'll take him to my house, I have everything he needs, medical bed, fluids.' she said, 'Eventually, of course, he'll need to be taken to the hospital.'
'Anything- anything... please.'
'Okay, first let's get him to my house.'

Percy heaved Tyson up with ease, considering Tyson was relatively large. I caught his arm before he took Tyson outside. He looked at me straight in the eyes, my face burned. I nodded a message, It's going to be okay. He nodded back.

I let go of his arm and he, along with the help of Hazel carried Tyson all the way to Mrs mendez's house.

I heard a ping from my phone. I checked it. It was Luke. Say what now? 

I miss you, Anniebeth - L (that's his nickname for me)
You do?- A
Could we try this again?- L

I thought about it. 

'Is everything Ok?' Percy asked.
'Yeah! Actually! It's great!' I said softly, 'My ex wants to be back with me,'
'Shouldn't that-'
'No, actually- I'm really happy! I missed him. I think it was a misunderstanding.'

There was a pit in my stomach. Something was missing. Just something. I couldn't figure out what.

Yes- A

Maybe, it was Luke that was missing. Maybe, yes, that should have been it.

'We're together again!' I hugged Percy softly, 'I'm so glad- are you ok?'
'Yeah,' he said, and walked away.

Why was the feeling still empty?

Feeling the Percabeth now? Because I'm feeling it.

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