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{(a/n) before i start i just wanna say that this is my first story every. i'm not really satisfied with it so if you have any advice or something like that, please tell me. i can handle criticism. i also haven't edited some parts so i'm sorry if there are any mistakes. enjoy your reading.}

there you are, on the 16th floor of the avengers tower sitting on the bed in your room watching your favorite show for the 3rd time. you planned to go training because since you have learned how to control your powers you went out to practice secretly and you were very very good, but no one knows and no one needs to know. you put on a casual outfit and your training clothes in a bag so no one asks questions.

as you wanted to walk out you saw everyone in the kitchen talking. tony waved at you to join them, you were kind of confused because they looked serious and they usually only talk about serious things in the meeting office. as you went up to them everyone wished you a good morning and you started making coffee. "y/n we want your opinion on something because some people don't feel really comfortable with a decision we must make together" said tony "oh yeah sure what's up?" you asked. tony sighed "so you probably know the winter soldier right?" he asked. you shook your head and looked confused. you were too busy with training these days so you weren't really up to date. everyone was confused as how you cannot know him but tony explained it to you anyway "well he's a super soldier, like steve, he got controlled and brainwashed by hydra and killed tons of people" you were shocked as flashbacks from the time you were kept and tortured by hydra replayed in front of your eyes. "he's a dangerous person-" he got interrupted by steve "he WAS, tony, not anymore, and you know that" your eyes switched in between them and then you asked, "how come? do you really think he changes from series killer to the nicest person on earth in one day?" you chuckled. "y/n he was in wakanda for almost 8 months now. all his bad memories got removed and only the good ones left. they helped him. and believe me y/n, he's a good person now. he was my best friend my whole life." steve spat.

you looked confused and really wanted to know more about this kind of therapy because since you have all of these nightmares but you can't even ask for it because they don't know anything about your past. you chuckled "aren't you like 100 years old?" you asked sarcastically. "well yeah i am but he was frozen in ice, just like me. come one y/n that's not a coincidence!" he got kind of angry and raised his voice because he was worried that you would say no. well you actually didn't really care but still wanted to know what the others think about steve's thoughts. nat, pietro, sam, scott and wanda didn't give a shit but pepper, bruce and rhodes were on tony's side. oh and peter of course. as always.

"tony why do you think he's dangerous if he's obviously changed?" you asked "don't get me wrong y/n, i don't think he's dangerous at all. i really believe he has changed but i don't know what the outside will think. they know james as the winter soldier and not as the one we all know him" tony said. "bucky tony, it's bucky" steve said crossing his arms above his chest. "what ever, so what do you think y/n" tony asked. steve looked worried but everyone else just looked at you normally, waiting for your answer."tony you're mean. he was being tortured and kept by hydra and now you don't want to help him because of what the outside thinks? i don't wanna know how much pain he has gone through." well you knew.. "so yes?" steve asked "i don't care" you said walking out the kitchen to go practice.

you walked to the private training place you rented. you had wakanda in your mind the whole way. 'should i tell them about my powers and my whole story so they could help me too? no i'm strong, i handled it for 5 years now so i can handle it for the rest of my life too.'

you finished practice, you noticed how you're getting better everyday. as you walked back you saw everyone on the dinner table eating. 'were i really gone for so long? oops' "y/n where were you for so long ? we waited for you but you took too long so we started eating" pietro said "sorry guys i was just walking and then suddenly met a friend and hung up with him a little bit" i hope they believe me.

they believed you. "him?" pietro smirked at you. "shut up piet" you said smirking. suddenly you felt a gaze on you and as you looked you noticed an unfamiliar face. "is that the guy?" you asked nodding pointing to the unfamiliar face. "oh i forgot sorry.. y/n that's james barnes but we all call him bucky." you gave him a little smile but he stayed the same. rude

you all finished eating and went to your rooms. some stayed in the living room but you were too exhausted from practicing so you went up to your room as you realized that buckys room was basically on the opposite of yours. you took a shower and then put on your pjs and a crop top.

you were bored in your room so you walked to the living room where the most of you were. you sat down next to wanda and pietro as bucky walked in. he wore a tshirt so you could see his metal arm. you know this metal arm. your eyes widened as you asked what that was. everyone looked at you with a confused look. you stood up and and walked over to bucky as you held his metal arm in you hands. "i know this" you whispered but everyone heard it. "y/n are you good?" wanda asked. "yes of course" you said, still looking at his arm. you came back to reality and let his arm go very fast "sorry" you said walking to the elevator and pressing the button to your room.

you know this arm.

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