Start from the beginning

Olivia was drumming her fingers on the table, waiting for Marlene and Sebastian to turn up. This would go one of two ways, either very well or awfully.

"Has he got the mark already?" Olivia asked, turning to Regulus beside her.

"Yes. He got it when he was sixteen." He replied.

She nodded her hand focused back on her glass of firewhiskey. She knew Sebastian would defect like Regulus, but what if he wasn't ready yet? Yes, he was already dating Marlene, but that didn't mean he was going to jump in and help them.

"You're overthinking." Sirius whispered into her ear, from her other side.

She was nibbling on her lip. He used his hand to rub soothing circles on her thigh.

James, Lily and Remus were also sat at the small booth, all as nervous as the rest of them.

Marlene had turned up first, taking the chair next to Lily, her eyebrow raised as Regulus' presence. "What's going on guys?"

"We'll explain when our last guest gets here." Remus answered her.

They didn't have to wait long for Sebastian, he strolled in, looking as regal as ever. His eyes narrowed as he caught the Gryffindor's at the table. He thought he was just meeting Regulus.

"Reg, what's this? Why are there a bunch of blood-traitors here?"

"I could call you the same thing, Sebastian." Olivia's head tilted to the side, a snarky grin on her face. "Aren't you shacking it up with one?"

Marlene blushed and lowered into her chair, trying to hide as much as possible.

"I'm impressed, McGonagall. You could have been a Slytherin." The corners of Sebastian's lips lifted slightly.

"Snakes run in the family." Olivia shrugged.

Sebastian's eyebrow raised. "McGonagall? I don't think so."

"Oh, not that family. We're not actually related. But that's not important right now. You alright there, Marlene?"  Olivia pulled everyone's attention to the blonde witch who had sunk deeply into her seat.

"Me? Yeah. Pfft. I'm fine." Marlene nervously waved her off, but she still had the blush on her face and was avoiding all eye contact with Sebastian who had taken the other seat next to her.

"OH MY MERLIN!" Lily exclaimed, her hand going straight to her mouth. Her eyes kept flicking between Marlene and Sebastian. "It's Marlene!"

"What, no, we're not dating!" Marlene flustered, sitting up straight and trying to deny it.

"No point hiding it now." Regulus drawled. "It's about time they all knew."

"I did not see this coming." James said, his eyes wide at the two of them.

"I did!" Olivia grinned. "But then I did have an advantage, you know, being from the future and all."

Everyone held in their laughter as they waited for Marlene and Sebastian's reactions.

It took them a while to process the words she had said.

"I'm sorry, did you just say you're from the future?" Marlene spluttered.

"Yes, I did. I was fighting in a war, nearly killed Dolohov whilst I was at it, when suddenly I appeared here, back in time by twenty-one years. Imagine my surprise when I find an alive Dumbledore standing over me."

"You're joking. She's joking, right?" Sebastian pleaded to Regulus.

He simply shook his head.

Olivia carried on. "The war was still happening in 1998. But things are gonna change. I know how to stop it all. I know how to kill Voldemort and I need your help."

"Our help? What can we do?" Marlene asked.

"Marlene McKinnon, a member of the Order of the Phoenix, her whole family was wiped out by Death Eaters. You were, are a threat to them. I'd want you on my side. Sebastian King, loyal Death Eater until you weren't. You were going behind their back, leaking information to the Order. Voldemort killed you himself."

Olivia looked around the table to sullen faces. "Everyone around this table is dead in the future because of Voldemort. That is not happening now. We are changing it. So, I'll ask again, are you going to help?"

· · ─────── ϟ ─────── · ·

Marlene and Sebastian had come to the decision to help them. From then on, Olivia had told them all about the Horcruxes. All of them had discussed the different ways of being able to get them. They had decided that the easiest one to find would be the Diadem at Hogwarts and the hardest would be the Locket as Voldemort had not hidden it away in the cave yet.

The diary would be easy enough to get, Sebastian or Regulus just needed a reason to be invited to Malfoy Manor. Hufflepuff's cup would be slightly harder, but a visit to Gringotts would do the trick for the two Slytherin's.

But they had time. They had time to plan it to every detail and then enact them. It had to be perfect. They couldn't afford any mistakes.

Marlene and Sebastian were following behind the group, walking out of the Hog's Head.

"You see it too, right?" Marlene whispers to Sebastian.

He nodded his head.

"She looks exactly like you."

"She looks just like you."

They both said at the same time, surprising each other.

"You don't think..." Sebastian said.

"Oh, I think it's entirely possible. She did say snakes were in her family." Marlene laughed.

Sebastian stopped and wrapped his arms around Marlene. "We have a daughter." He hummed, smiling contently at his girlfriend.

"What a weird thought."

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