Chapter 3: Spoilt, Mannerless, Brat!

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Author's note:-

This story is a continuation of Their Heart! Please keep this thought in mind so that you can link some events now and in future.. 

Also the story of the pairs like tzukook, taesana and Jinayeon is already made clear in other stories of 'Two Hearts Series' so I won't be explaining their stories here!


Sun rose, spreading it's wings like rays all over the place. A maid made her way from the staircase and hallway to a huge room.

The room was almost like an apartment for a single person. At one side was a king-sized bed where a living body could be sensed lying under the covers. Other side had a couch and table with a mini-refrigerator at the corner.

Besides the bed were two doors one to washroom and other for the walk-in closet which was divided in two parts. Right side had all leather jackets, jeans, sweaters and hoodies where as the other side was filled with suits, different watches, neckties and shoes, the whole closet screamed 'BRAND, Brand, brand,...'. Not only the room but whole house had the rich and classy vibe.

The maid knocked on the door before entering the room. She opened the curtains of huge window, lightning up the dark room. She walked upto the bed and stopped two steps away from bed and reminded the person on bed.

"It's time Mr.Park. Please wake up."

A movement was sensed on the bed as the soft, thick blanket moved from here to there. The person lying under the sheets rolled to one side of the bed still not revealing a single body part.

"Ugh.. Okay! Go."

"Okay, Sir!"

After the maid left, voice of the door shutting resonated in the room. Soon a cute looking boy raised from the bed with messy bed hair and chubby, sleepy face. Tossing the blanket at another side of bed, he went straight to freshen up.

He walked out of the closet and was no more the boy we saw waking up from the bed. He turned into a rather handsome and hot man with a classy vibe in his suit. He took his phone and wallet from the nightstand and left his room.

Soon after he was greeted Good morning by the head maid and butler in the dining room. Both were in their 60s , judging from their white and black hairs and slightly wrinkled skin. He was having his breakfast peacefully when suddenly his phone rang. A smile spread over his face as soon as he saw the caller Id. It was his sister whom he loved and adored the most in the world.

*On Call*

"Hello!" Jimin said in a sweet voice.

"Hello Brother! Can you send a driver to pick me up at the Pet hospital near central park?"

"Right Now?" Jimin had thought that Jihyo was still sleeping because of the tiredness of flight last night why did she wake up so early and even went to jog?

"Yes Brother! I made a friend and lost the track of time." Jimin sighed "Please..." she said making cute baby noises.

"It's Okay! I'll be there in few minutes but be careful with the people around you. You shouldn't trust anyone so easily."

"Yes! Oh wait she is going I have to return her belongings, See you then."

"Hmm.. Bye."

*Call Ended*

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