Chapter 15: What do you think love is? Eyes!

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Jihyo was sitting on the enormous couch in the hall of her house. She was dressed in a casual outfit. The overall look somehow gave her a sexy vibe apart from her usual cute and bubbly image. The petty makeup on her face gave her the natural vibes. She hugged the soft cushion while snapping selfies at amazingly fast rate.

Soon a car was pulled in the front courtyard. A servant came rushing forward telling her of the arrival of a friend.

Jihyo put her phone into her small handbag and excitedly rushed out of the house. After she saw the car her feet slowed down and came to halt three steps away from the car. She sized up the car wondering who it was. As far as she knew, this car did not belong to neither Hosoek nor Momo, then who is this unexpected guest?

Soon the glass rolled down and Jihyo was shocked to see Yoongi at the driver's seat. Yoongi got off the car and greeted her with a rare smile.

"Hi! I hope it won't be a bother if I join you?" Yoongi said.

"You are joining us?" Jihyo asked.

Yoongi just nodded as he gentlemanly opened the passenger seat door for her. Jihyo leisurely sat inside and soon the car was on it's way to the club Hosoek, Momo and Jihyo decided upon.

The atmosphere inside the car was calm and although Yoongi gave a rather idle vibe it was quite comfortable and relaxing for Jihyo.

Soon they were inside the private VIP club having drinks and making friends. Yoongi just sat on the love seat of the couch with the glass filled with red wine in his hand while Momo and Jihyo hit the floor and Hosoek chatted away with an old friend.

When the old friend left the club because of some emergency, Hosoek sub-consciously looked at his girlfriend. She was enjoying herself on the stage with Jihyo, far away from any guy. It was quite risky for a public figure like her to appear at a club but since this was a private club, the risk was less and at the end of the discussion, he can't deny his sweetheart's request.

Hosoek looked at his cold friend who was acting unusually today. He ordered a martini and waited for the bartender to serve it while he observed Yoongi.

A girl came out of the dancing crowd on stage, looked around and made her way straight towards Yoongi. Her footsteps were clean and steady but as she neared the couch she deliberately lost her footing and was about to fall on Yoongi's lap when he swiftly moved aside and the girl kissed the empty couch instead. 

Her cheeks flushed as she supported her body and acted to be drunk. She sat on the love seat couch wanting to get closer to Yoongi. Yoongi took a glance of her thick makeup face and the girl froze. As if she was hypnotized, she immediately got up and left in the dark corners of the club without turning back to look at him.

'This guy is really ignorant and cold. I don't know how will Mina succeed in match-making him with Jihyo. Even though they meet quite a lot it's still not enough!' Hosoek thought as he sat beside him.

"What's bothering you?" Yoongi said as he looked at Hosoek's dazed expression.

"I have spent so many years with you but I rarely could guess what's going inside your head behind that cold face of yours, but it's not like I am eager to know. I was just curious about one thing, What do you think love is?" Hosoek said all the things in one go which shocked Yoongi.

"We are different people, although we survive in same space, our personalities and thoughts are different. So, it's totally fine not to be able to guess what the other is thinking.."

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