Chapter 19: You seem to have interest in Jihyo!

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JJ Entertainment 

Jimin was sitting on his chair reading the files when there was a knock on the door.


"Come in!"

Jeongyeon entered the room with a not so good expression.

"Sir, the boss of MN Entertainment is here. She says she wants to meet you regarding something important."

"Let her in!" Jimin said as he wondered what brought Mina who was so caution about rumors, directly to his office.

After a few moments, Mina entered Jimin's office followed by Jeongyeon and found him sitting on the couch in the corner of the room. She took a glance at the room before making her way to the couch.

"Hello, Miss Mina! I wonder what brings you here!" Jimin said as he gestured for her to sit.

Mina casually sat down as if she was in no hurry.

"Won't you ask me what I would like to drink first?" Mina said as she stared at Jimin with an unwavering gaze as if trying to read straight through him.

"I thought your time was very precious so you won't want to waste it! So, what would you like to have?" Jimin asked politely as he was surprised by Mina's series of actions. He could not guess at all, the purpose of her visit.

"A coffee will do."

Jimin glanced at Jeongyeon as she got the message and immediately left to get the coffee as well as Jimin's favorite customized coffee.

No one spoke until Jeongyeon brought in the two coffee cups and served them.

"Now, here is your coffee. Please let me know the purpose of your visit Miss Mina." Jimin said as cautious with his words as possible. First, he was still guilty for how he judged her the first time they met and said utterly disrespectful words to her and Second, no matter what, she is still Jihyo's soon to be sister-in-law.

Mina noticed how Jimin has been very respectful towards her after they returned to Korea.

'Did he find out something?' She wondered. He indeed found out about the misunderstanding during their first meet.

"Hmm.. Nice coffee!" Mina complimented Jeongyeon and she nodded her head showing her satisfaction then she continued, "I will get straight to the point, the property transfer papers that you have are fake. It will be better if you return the original papers back to me and we forget that something like property transfer actually happened."

Mina calmly finished her words and took another sip of her coffee enjoying it very much. She wondered when next she will get to drink this coffee.

"What do you mean?" Jimin asked although he had a rough guess at the back of his mind about what Mina was saying, he didn't want to believe that Mina was actually telling the truth.

"I think you very well know what I mean." Mina said as she tapped on her phone screen and a sound recording started to play.

* * *

"There is no profit in running away. Tell me, why do you want to steal the LA property or to be direct, what does RanRan want those documents for? We have already decided to part ways and never cross each other again. Then why does she still want to take revenge."

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