Chapter 25: Hey Kitten!

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Yoongi was lost observing his surrounding when Jihyo returned. She carried two large paper bags which had popcorn, chips, chocolates, coke and many other snacks.

She hurriedly sat beside Yoongi and got into the blanket as it was a little cold since it was already night time. They were in the forest region surrounded by tall trees and this place was near the beach so the cool breezes blew every now and then. Jihyo handed a coke cup to Yoongi as she took out all the snacks she just bought.

Soon after, all the lights in the area turned off. There was pin drop silence and the darkness prevented them from seeing anything around. Except for a few cars which had their inner lights turned on everything was pitch dark with moon being the only source of light.

Yoongi took out his phone and turned on the flashlight thinking that there was a power cut-off. Jihyo put her hand on Yoongi's hand which was holding the phone. She slowly closed the distance between their faces and whispered lightly in his ear.

"Don't turn on the light! Wait for the surprise to begin."

Yoongi was totally confused but decided to wait since Jihyo said so.

Jihyo saw Yoongi keeping his phone back in his pocket as she sipped on her coke. Just then a bright white rectangle lit up in the sky in front of them. Yoongi was beyond shocked by this sight. The huge theatre screen was actually hung on the tall trees which made it visible to all the couples sitting around the area.

Slowly the movie started rolling. It was a romantic comedy movie named 'Happy Enemies'. It was very popular these days among new couples.

The movie started with special introduction of characters.

As the scenes rolled by, Jihyo put her left arm around Yoongi's right hand and leaned her head on his shoulder. Yoongi never liked watching movies and specially not in theatres because of the crowd. And if any movie caught his attention, he would usually watch it alone or with Hosoek inside his room.

So, watching movie with a beautiful lady made his heart very happy. He was very much focused on the movie so when Jihyo circled her arm around his, he naturally pulled her closer and held her palm tightly.

This little gesture made Jihyo very happy as she fed him popcorn and herself in turns. They didn't know when the 1 hour 30 minutes movie already came to an end.

After the movie finished the screen turned off but the lights around were still off. Yoongi and Jihyo sat there in silence, waiting for the lights to be turned on.

After contemplating for a long time, Jihyo finally decided to tell Yoongi the remaining everything she wanted to tell him about herself.

Jihyo sighed as her head was still resting on his shoulder, she tightened her grip on his arm and said, "This place... When I was in America, I had a boyfriend."

Jihyo confessed sincerely not wanting to keep any secrets between them in order not to have any misunderstandings in future. Seeing that Yoongi was silently listening to her, she continued.

"I was in high school at that time. It is my first and only relationship until now. We didn't date for much long, only for probably two weeks or even less. I was an introverted person back then because Jimin was so protective of me that he always scared my friends away. After I started dating him, he took me to many places, introduced me to his friends and we had a lot of fun hanging out. But out of all the places he took me to, the outdoor theatre was the best." Jihyo was smiling as she remembered the moments of rare happiness.

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