Chapter 6: I don't like to be a villain in someone's life

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I saw the old caretaker of our house Mrs.Lee as soon as I entered home.

She is a lady in her 60's who was a motherly figure to me. I still remember how I would cry if she didn't come for a day at home and I never slept without listening to her stories when I was little. She was also the head maid but she left the job soon after I and Jihyo left for LA.

I am so happy to see her again. She looks just like before just a bit old with a few wrinkles on her face.. But her eye smile is still like before.

I ran towards her and hugged her as she caressed my back just like she would do before. But the difference was that in past I would cling to her waist and she used to ruffle and caress my hairs and today I was much taller than her.

She immediately recognized me,


I noticed her voice has changed to a lower tone but it still has the sweetness and care for me. I broke the hug to look at her smiling at me. I felt like I met my mother after many years.

"How are you Mrs.Lee?"

"I am doing great but Hey! Champ, You grew up to be a tall and handsome man." She said as she hit my shoulder lightly with her fist just like she used to do. She really didn't change much.

"yes,yes Mrs.Lee. Just like you told me to be. Let's sit." I said as I gestured her to sit on the huge couch. Just like that we talked for minutes and proceeded to have dinner.

While our dinner was being served, I ordered a maid to call Jihyo for dinner too.

"Is Jihyo home?"

"Yes sir. Madam returned home an hour before you."

"Hmm. Go call her for dinner."

The maid just bowed and left.

"So how is your company doing? How about Jihyo? Is she still studying?"

"No. Jihyo is actually applying for companies and about our company. I am planning to take over it soon."

"Wow! You are a responsible man now and handsome too. I would have married you to my daughter if I had one."

"Why don't you find me a girl who is just like you then? I'll gladly marry any girl you think is good for me."

"Hmm. So, you are already making me busy with work as soon as you arrived, Huh?"

We just laughed together knowing that both of us are joking with each other right now. But to think of it.. it wasn't a full joke. I would marry any girl if she agrees, this is how much I trust her.

Just then Jihyo came down the stairs towards us. She looked at me with a smile and then turned to Mrs.Lee with a confused face she kept looking over to her.

"Hello!" She greeted and respectfully bowed to the elder lady and took a seat beside me.

"Hello Sweetie, Remember me?" I thought Jihyo wouldn't but as she heard her nickname being called, she stood up from her chair and immediately ran at the opposite side to hug Mrs.Lee as she hugged her back. Kissing Jihyo's temple she said,

"You do."

"Yes, Mrs.Lee. It's so good to see you after so many years. I hope you are staying with us now. I missed your stories and the pancakes so much and I missed you too." She giggled cutely at Mrs.Lee and sat beside her instead of coming back beside me and they both kept on talking to each other. They finished eating even before me

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