Chapter 8: So you notice me?

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Jihyo woke up and found a VIP card near her phone. She understood that Jimin already left. She got up and got ready to visit Jungkook. She have to finish shopping and then research a bit about Yoongi too.

After having breakfast with Mrs. Lee, her son came to pick her up and Jihyo is going to Jungkook's apartment for a surprise visit and she also needed a partner for shopping.

As she reached Jungkook's apartment, she was about to ring the bell but stopped when she noticed that the door was open. She decided to break in to make her entry more surprising!

She counted in her mind,

1... 2... 3...

And she kicked the door open, a loud bang resonated in the house.


The front door fled open. There stood Jihyo with a huge smile on her face. Jungkook and Tzuyu were sticking to each other before but Jihyo's loud entry shocked them as they flew away from each other.

"oops! Sorry, I think I disturbed you." Jihyo said while giggling.

"Uhh... No, no. Come in." Jungkook walked to the door to welcome Jihyo in.

Jihyo approached Tzuyu and Jungkook, closing the door behind her and hugged Jungkook, playfully kissing his cheeks.

Tzuyu's heart ached at the sight. Even though she trusted Jungkook, she still felt jealous.

Jihyo didn't want to make tzuyu jealous but she unintentionally did which she found cute.

"Jihyo~" Jungkook whined. "Anyways, Tzu this is-"

"Hi, I am Park Jihyo. And I am your boyfriend's cousin."

Jihyo introduced herself to Tzuyu to stop her from being jealous and she successfully did as Tzuyu's expressions relaxed.

"Uhh.. Oh! Hi, I am Chou Tzuyu." She bowed respectfully.

"Oh C'mon, Who doesn't know you? You are so pretty and even more in real life. I can't wait to see you as my sister-in-law."

"Uhhuh😯. Umm... Thank you and you are cute too." Tzuyu truthfully told her opinion and smiled at her.

"Wait but what's with that entry? Are you crazy?" Jungkook scolded.

"Why you mad? Because I caught you red handed or because I ruined your sweet moment?" Jihyo teased him.

"w-what are you talking about?" he said as he faced away from Jihyo. Obviously, he didn't want her to see his red flushed face to get teased later.

"Forget it. But why are you here? Aren't you going to office? I thought I'll get some time to spend with tzuyu. Are you free today? We can go shopping and hangout together." Jihyo said as she didn't expect Jungkook to be at home.

"I thought of taking a day off so, you can't get her and also you won't get what you are here for so, Get out now."

Tzuyu hit Jungkook's arm lightly and said, "Is this how you talk to girls? Please don't mind him. Why don't you join us for breakfast?"

"Oh thanks Juwi. You are so sweet, unlike this stupid. But I actually already had brunch so maybe next time."

"Yeah and Jihyo is actually very busy. So, she will have to go now. Right Ji?" Jungkook said as he forced a smile on his face. He was already angry that Jihyo broke their sweet moment and now Jihyo even wants to steal his girlfriend away for whole day!

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