Chapter 11: I AM STRAIGHT!

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Like every morning, everything was going smoothly. Jimin stood near the window of his office, sipping on his coffee as Jeongyeon read his schedule for the day.

There was nothing much to do except to take care of the welcoming party being held that night. Jimin was very excited because of 2 reasons.

First, whole South Korea will know, the biggest Entertainment company 'JJ Entertainment' belongs to Park Jimin.

Second, His plan to expand their business in western markets which was ruined by that arrogant girl will resume and he will show her who is more powerful.

Yesterday, after reading the information of Mina, Jimin realized that she is the daughter of Min Family that means she is his soon-to-be fiancé and soon-to-be wife if she behaves🤷‍♂️.

It is clearly mentioned in the contract that the party who will marry their girl off will have to fulfil a wish of their in-laws. So according to the contract, Jimin can ask for anything from Min Family, so it won't be difficult to get the property papers that he lost to Mina that day.

He can actually buy another land in LA but the setting of this place is near the heart of the city whereas other lands which are for sale are far away from the main city and there is no good transportation facility.

He also understood that Mina had plans to promote her artists in America but he couldn't care less. All he wants right now is the piece of land which is under her control. And anyways if he marries her, there is no problem since he will make sure she divorces him herself unless she falls for his charms..

Jimin smirks thinking about Mina who is so arrogant and cold acting like a love sick fool for him. (In your dreams Mister😒)


Jeongyeon slams the file in her hand on Jimin's table. Jimin turned around to find the source of the sudden noise.

"What are you doing spacing out like that Park Jimin? Don't try my patience!" Jeongyeon yelled all of sudden, loud enough for the whole floor to hear. This floor is the highest and has only his and the office of his head-secretary and Assistant.

RanRan was at a set of movie starring one of the actresses of their company so except for Jimin and Jeongyeon no one was present on the floor.

But what caused Jeongyeon's sudden outburst?

"What the hell are you thinking? Are you a wax statue? Huh? I have been telling you the whole plan for last 40 minutes and you didn't listen to a single thing? Now read it by yourself and if there is any problem call me."

With that said Jeongyeon left his office and went to her desk. Jimin realized that he was doomed. He took a water bottle and followed Jeongyeon to her desk. She was panting as he handed her the bottle and said

"Are you sure you don't have Blood Pressure problems or Heart diseases?"

"Not for now but I am sure I will have soon if I keep working with you."

"oh! Don't worry, I will pay for the hospital expenses." he said playfully, with a cheeky grin.

Then, all of sudden he turned serious and the cute look has long gone. He looked dangerously hot with those pair of sharp eyes and with deep voice he said.

"Now follow me into the office and report about how far the preparations of the party have gone!"

Jeongyeon didn't even think of refusing since she knew he is still her boss no matter what. She actually admired how Jimin is always playful but when it comes to work and specially his father's company, he is very serious.

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