Chapter 21: Jihyo's horoscope, I am turning 25 next week.

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Mina came out of the closet as she changed into cozy clothes. She was very tired after such a long day of being a detective. She even forgot that Chaeyoung was still waiting for her inside her room.

"How come you are here today?" Mina asked.

"Well, you didn't explain everything properly last night on the call. Tell me clearly now, what exactly happened?" Chaeyoung asked as she held Mina's hand pulling her towards the bed to sit on.

"Nothing much. Yoongi said he likes Jihyo and wants to marry her. Dad and Mom like Jihyo a lot so they readily agreed. Dad proposed the marriage after lunch and to my surprise Jihyo also said yes." Mina told Chaeyoung as she laid on the left side of the bed.

"Why do you say it's surprising that Jihyo agreed?" Chaeyoung asked curiously.

"Because the last time when I asked her, she said she wants to focus on her career for now and doesn't plan to get married so soon. So, I thought Yoongi wasn't to her liking but again, Yoongi said that he liked a girl too but that girl as if disappeared into thin air." Mina said as she shrugged.

Looking at Chaeyoung who was deep in thought she said, "I saw you talking to Yoongi when I came. When did you guys become friends?"

Chaeyoung scoffed and said, "Of course, he is my best-friend now. After all who won't want to be my friend, I am so cool!" Chaeyoung winked at Mina making a cool yet funny pose which had Mina burst into laughter.

"Seems like I need to watch out for others unless anyone steals my best-friend away!" Mina said as she closed her eyes tiredly.

Chaeyoung plopped down on the bed and asked, "Why are you so late by the way? Didn't you leave for home long ago?"

"Why are you asking so many questions today? I am really mentally tired. I dealt with RanRan today. I don't want to talk about it anymore." Mina replied as she refused to speak anymore.

"Explains the reason of your tiredness! Dealing with her is really mentally exhausting. Let's just sleep." Chaeyoung said as she understood that it had something to do with RanRan and Mina hates to talk about that girl. Chaeyoung messaged her manager that she won't return to dorms tonight.

It was expected since usually when Chaeyoung visited Min mansion, the old lady Min that is Mina's grandmother, would always ask her to stay for dinner and then she would sleep over at Mina's room.




Jeongyeon reports to Jimin that Mina respectfully denied the meeting proposal and said that there is no need to apologize.

Jimin sighed as he couldn't do anything about it. He felt guilty and ashamed. He ordered Jeongyeon to go back to work and gave up on the thought of meeting Mina for now.

After another busy day he left for home and to his surprise, Mr. Jeon, Mrs. Jeon and Tzuyu were sitting in the main hall with Jihyo.

Mrs. Jeon's face flushed with smiles as she saw Jimin approaching them. She immediately got up from the couch and said, "Oh my! Jiminie is here! My boy has grown up!"

Mr. Jeon and Tzuyu stood up as well and greeted Jimin as he greeted them back.

He hugged his Aunt and said, "I missed you so much Aunty!"

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