Chapter 75

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In March, early spring wind cut the branches of the buds, the air is quietly feel the chill to recede.

Liang Chen put on her clothes and called his parents to make sure that they had gone out before continuing to tidy up their hair.

Today is the day of Lu Jing's treat. Liang Chen has prepared for a long time at home, and counted the meeting gifts she brought to Lu Jing's family. Finally, she stood in front of the mirror and took photos for a long time.

Liang Chen thought, Lu Jing's grandparents were there, and she always had to dress dignified, but his mother was so gorgeous, and he was not too vegetarian. With this entanglement, it's time to go out.

Liang Chen took a deep breath and went out with something.

She and her parents arrived at the same time, and Lu Jing was waiting for them at the door.

This meal was much easier than Liang Chen imagined. Lu Jing's family was very easy-going and could chat with his parents. The atmosphere of the two elders was harmonious, and Liang Chen no longer had any worries.

At the end of the meal, Liang Chen saw that Lu Jing's grandparents were already tired, so he took advantage of Lu Jing's mother and Liang's mother to hold Lu Jing's hand while she was chatting, and whispered, "Are you going home soon?"

Lu Jing raised his eyebrows to look at her, "You can't leave me for a moment?"

Liang Chen squeezed his fingers hard, and said, "I'm afraid you will have to follow me for a while. You will go back and accompany your family."

Lu Jing stretched out his legs lazily and said, "I see."

Liang Chen got up and nodded slightly: "I'll go to the bathroom."

Mother Lu Jing glanced at her and said, "I'll go too, let's go together."

Seeing the two go out, Lu Jing's father muttered, "The woman is here." They are all the same age. They even go to the toilet."

Lu Jing smiled. When he saw his mother go out, she took something in her hand.

Liang Chen went to the toilet and washed her hands in the toilet.

While blowing her hands with the dryer, Lu Jing's mother stood aside and looked at her, making Liang Chen a little nervous.

Liang Chen wiped her hands again. At this moment, Lu Jing's mother suddenly took out a small box from her handbag.

She opened it and handed it to Liang Chen.

——Inside is a pearl necklace.

Liang Chen looked at her at a loss, "Auntie, this is..."

"Give it to you." Lu Jing's mother said.

Liang Chen blinked suspiciously, and Lu Jing's mother stuffed the box into her hand and said, "I know it was just given. It was courtesy. This is my own heart."

She patted Liang Chen's Seeing that she took it, he continued: "Xiaojing was brought up by grandparents since childhood. My father and I have not been at home all the year round and have not been with him much. The elderly and grandchildren are always very spoiled, so this child also has Many problems, big and small, you are older than him, and you have more experience than him. Sometimes you are wronged."

Liang Chen bit his lip and didn't know what to say.

Lu Jing’s mother continued: “I know you’re in a rising career, so we won’t pressure you to marry and have children. Xiao Jing will continue to study. What will the future look like? None of us I know. Xiaojing is dumb and doesn't know how to chase girls. Like his father, he doesn’t understand romance. It’s not easy to meet someone who likes him. I only hope that you will cherish each other a lot. Don’t give up when you are not a last resort. "

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