Chapter 37

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Lu Jing rush he went back to school at the last minute before the entrance to the dormitory. In the brightly lit dormitory, some of the students were playing games all night, and some were preparing for the upcoming final exam.

Lu Jing pushed open the bedroom door. Zhou Zhou, who was lying on the bed holding a mobile phone and playing games, turned over lazily and said, "You went back to school, I thought you were home."

"There will be another door on the plane tomorrow ." Take an exam." Lu Jing sat at his desk, opened the drawer, and took out the charging cable to charge the phone. "Did I give Cai Yang the book on the table?"

Cai Yang was the one who stopped Lu Jing from asking about him at the east gate of Nanda University a few days ago.

"He just came to get it." He Ye said, "That's right, he also asked who wrote you the recommendation letter."

"Professor Liu, didn't you tell him?" Lu Jing said.

"Oh! I remembered it wrong!" He Ye looked at Lu Jing in horror, "Professor Zhang I told him!" "It doesn't matter." Lu Jing said, "Any professor is the same." It was almost twelve o'clock. The boy was also sleepy. He Ye turned off the computer and climbed into bed. Liu Er was also brushing his teeth on the balcony. Seeing that everyone was ready to go to bed, he packed up two or three times and ran in and quickly climbed into bed.

"Eh hey! Lu Jing, you were the last to go to bed, you turn off the lights!"

Lu Jing walked to the bathroom indifferently and took a shower. Everyone was quiet now, each holding his mobile phone to play.

He walked to the door, raised his hand to turn off the light, and it was completely dark in front of him, only the lights of three mobile phones were on.

"That's right." Lu Jing stood under the bed, "I will tell you something."

Only Liu Er said'um', no one else said anything . This is the normal state of the dormitory, and Lu Jing is used to it.

"I'm off." The bedroom suddenly became terribly quiet, and it seemed that there was no breathing.

After a long time, Zhou Zhou said: "Haha, what are you kidding me."

He Ye also laughed along with him: "Yeah, hahaha, you are afraid that you have lost your mind, why, you want to be crazy about your girlfriend?"

Only Liu Er seriously Asked: "Really?"


Lu Jing's voice was calm, but sure.

The bedroom is quieter.

A few seconds later, Zhou Zhou let out a "Fuck!" Thunder thundered on the ground. 

"Turn on the lights! Turn on the lights!"

"It's amazing! Who?! ! FML which Zhou Zhou Ganqiang woman man "! "

ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!! " face exclaimed roommate, Lu Jing abnormal calm, his dark bed, said:" I am Let me tell you, I’m going to bed, and I’ll have an exam tomorrow."

" Take a ball!" Zhou Zhou jumped off the bed, ran three steps and two steps to turn on the lights.

"You get me up! What do you sleep? Get up!" Zhou Zhou climbed onto Lu Jing's bed barefoot again, grabbed him by the collar and picked him up.

Lu Jing glanced at his foot impatiently, and kicked him down directly: "The foot that stepped on the floor stepped on my bed again, and roll down!"

Zhou Zhou looked at Lu Jing with a grieved expression : "Hurry up and talk!" He Ye and Liu Er got out of bed as well, and leaned to Lu Jing's bedside: "Who? Is it from our school? The conservatory? Is it a dance academy? Have we seen it?"

Love Scenery (Easy to hide the gun, crush difficult to prevent)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt