Chapter 16: An old Friend.

Start from the beginning

I ran a curling iron through my hair quickly to give me that so called 'effortless' look. Effortless my arse!

"I'll miss you babe!" Harry yelled as I walked out the door, purposely ignoring him.

"I know!" I yelled back, loud enough for his old grandpa ears to hear.

Nobody else was up yet, besides daddy, Liam. He was just minding his own business at the counter his back turned to me.

"Bye, Li! I'm counting on you to keep these boys in line alright? I'll be back soon. Love you!" I said to him quickly slipping on my moccasins and shutting the door so I couldn't hear his answer.


"Beth! Over here!" I heard a familiar voice yell behind me. That voice belonged to my best friend. If I tell Louis Jon's my BestFriend, he'll give me a ton of his sass crap.

"Jon!" I said jogging over to him, wrapping my arms around his neck and squeezing into a 'horan hug'. All the boys seem to be rubbing off on me.


"So, any boyfriends yet?" Jon asked sipping his Latte, with a little smirk on his face.

"Actually yes, and he's great." I said giving him the most cheesiest grin known to man.

Even thinking of Harry, made my insides do somersaults.

"May, I ask his name?"

"Styles, Harry Styles"

Why the James Bond voice?! Really Beth?

"Beth, if he gets out of line, you know you can always call me alright? I'm here for you." He said grabbing my hand tight, which sent shivers down my back.

"Thanks, Jon. That really means a lot." I replied smiling at the ground.

He hasn't changed one bit.


Harry's POV

"Beth, still hasn't come back, Lou. She's taking too long with that Jonathan guy. Who the hell is he anyways?! Does this dude know that I have needs?!?"

"You have needs?" Louis replied back.

"No.." I said lying.

Thank goodness he seemed to shake it off. I have needs, as in I NEED her lips. They were like a drug, and I just can't get enough.

I saw the door open and there walked through the door, my little angel.

I noticed her eyes were puffy, and seemed like she was crying. She didn't make any eye contact with me or any of the boys, except for Niall. She looked at him, and he immediately understood what she was trying to say through the look of her eyes. He got up and they both went into his room.

What the Hell?

I stood up, but Liam who sat on the left of me, pulled my arm down.

"She needs Niall right now, Haz. He's her BestFriend. Let them talk." He said.

"But I'm her boyfriend, Li."

"Give her space."

I nodded, because I did not want to argue with Liam. I would lose in a heart beat.

Niall's POV

"You did the right thing Beth."

"Are you sure, Ni?" She asked me, her voice shaky and uneasy.

"Yes." I said kissing her forehead and pulling her into one of my Horan hugs.

"I'll call Harry in here so you guys can set things straight, alright?" I said wiping a tear away from her perfect eyes with my thumb.

"Thanks Niall. I love you."

My heart skipped a beat. Get over her. You have no chance. Stop it. Stop falling for her, cause you'll only get hurt. I kept telling myself that while walking out to the living room. Harry stood up and I nodded. He rushed past me and went into my room.

Bethany's POV

Harry walked into the room. The air seemed thick, and tense.

How was I supposed to tell him what Jonathan did?! Or in other words attempted.

I am so heart broken.

"Er..Harry? We need to talk."

Harry's POV

Shit. Shit. Shit

"Go ahead" I said sternly.

"I was out with Jonathan. We were getting on well. Everything was moving so fast. He leaned in and-" she started but I cut her off.

"Save it Bethany." I said about to walk out on her but a small hand grabbed my wrist.

"Haz, you didn't let me finish!"

"You don't have to finish, Beth."

"Stop jumping to conclusions."

"Bloody Hell Bethany! I know he kissed you, and you kis-"

"W-what?" She said looking confused. "I would never stoop so low, Harry! I love you and only you. I slapped Jonathan before he got the chance to kiss me! He made the move right after I told him I had a Great boyfriend. But I'm starting to have second thoughts!"

"Beth I-"

"You obviously don't trust me, Harold."

She never used my full name in situations like this, fuck.

"I'm sorry."

"The reason I was crying, was because he told me he didn't want anything to do with me anymore. Haz, I just lost one of my best friends. For you. All for you." She said totally ignoring my apology with tears starting to fill the water lines of her innocent eyes.

"Beth, I truly am sorry. I should've trusted you. I was jealous. Please forgive me?" I managed to get out. "I can't lose you again."

She stood up and took my head into her hands gently, pressing her forehead against mine.

"Haz. We can't have a relationship with out trust. Everything falls apart without it. I trust you with every inch of my body, that you won't break what amazing thing we have together. Baby, I don't want to lose you, either."

"I trust you even more now" I said. "Trust. Us. A couple things I can't spell without you, Beth."

"Quoting, the Biebs, eh?"

"Shut up, and give daddy some sugar." I said.

She kissed me with such force, that she pushed me against the wall.

The kiss wasn't heated, but romantic. Our lips moved in sync, and I swore I could hear angels singing. I have longed for her lips all day, and I was so close to loosing them. I love this girl so much.

The kiss ended sooner than my liking.

But I didn't care. She was in my arms, and she was still mine.

We were now staring into each others eyes, breathing heavily.

"So, where is this Jonathan kid so I can kick his ass" I said breaking the silence.


A/N: I hope you didn't think Beth would cheat (; lol.

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