5.17 girl meets john walker

Start from the beginning

"So you mean that bus is gonna drive right through my house to get to me?" Luke asked, making Smackle nod.

"Yes, it is."

"I'll miss ya, buddy." Lucas called with a shrug.

"Alright, guys. We gotta get out of here." John said, glancing at his watch before he grabbed a stack of papers off of his desk. "I read your papers and most of em were bad. You're almost college kids. Free up your minds! You're smarter than these."

"This guy is awesome. I've been waiting like a thousand years for a teacher like this." Luke said after John left.

"Yeah, he's not like Matthews at all; he treats us like equals. Matthews is like a parent; this guy's a friend." Farkle said as he grabbed his backpack.

"You're a good teacher, but a bad pool player." Maya said, looking at John after she beat him in a round of pool. "You owe me a coffee."

"Alright. Anybody else? It's on me." John offered with a shrug as he looked at the group.




"Hey, guys. I only have two hands here!" John said with a chuckle before he looked at Amzie, nodding to the counter. "Amzie, wanna ring me up?"


"Actually, I wanted to thank you." John said as he and Amzie walked to the counter.

"What'd I do?"

"You took my class; you challenge things. A teacher like a student who participates and shakes things up; makes class more exciting." John said with a shrug as Amzie rang up the drinks.

"Thanks. Thanks a lot."

"Keep it up. If we don't challenge our leaders, we have no right to complain over how they lead." John recited, making Amzie look at him.

"That's a quote from my paper."

"It was a good paper. You got a little lazy on the summary, but we'll go over it, okay?" John said as he handed her a twenty, making her nod. "How's life in Greenwich?"

"Same as always." Amzie said with a shrug, taking the tray of coffees from an employee and handing it to John. "The Thompson building's a little different than the old one I used to live in, but it's alright."

"Thompson. That's the newer building with the hot tub on the roof, right?" John asked, making Amzie nod as she leaned on the counter.

"Sure is. That's the entire reason my brother bought it."

"I don't like him." Zay said, watching Amzie and John talk at the counter.

"You don't know him, Zay. He's a cool guy." Luke said, making the group nod.

"I'm telling you something, Luke. I have a gift, okay? I know people. I have a feel for these things. This guy is no Matthews. This guy couldn't even clap Matthews's erasers." Zay said before his eyes landed on Cory, who was sitting at a table with Topanga. "Hey, Matthews! Love you, man!"

"Hello, Isaiah."

"Zay, sooner or later, you're gonna have to cut this cord from Matthews and see what else is out there." Maya said, making Zay glare at her.

"I'm telling you: if there's one thing I know, it's people, okay? I lived among them. It's like a fifth sense." Zay said, making Farkle look at him.

"You mean sixth sense."

"No, dude, that's smell. You gotta be lucky to get that." Zay said, waving the genius off. "Anyway, this Jacob guy—"

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