" They're all done. " I smiled turning to him whose eyes were already on me with a faded dimple smile set on his face but hissed as I saw his face again.

" I'm going to have to get used to your face looking like that. "

" Thank you. "

" No worries, I just pulled off the bandaids nothing special. "

" I meant about that night for cleaning up after me instead of leading me to a ditch or something. " Tyler surprised me as I realized we also shared the same deep jokes which led me to chuckle.

" What? " " I mean I know I suck at thanking, but hey - I'm trying here. "

" It's not that. It's just I seem to assume you'd throw me in a ditch as well, so I don't blame you for thinking that low of me. " I laughed as he held an amused look starting at me while I laughed like a goon.

Soon enough we realized that our presence to each other assured us that we were in fact both lost and hurt yet when I spoke to him it felt like I was talking to myself. I felt relaxed and it frightened me.
It felt relieving to me, yet I wasn't quite sure what was on his mind, but he seemed so calm, so thoughtless and it all made sense. In those few minutes I got to meet the Tyler they all knew for so long, yet it didn't feel quite true.

" You're smiling. " Tyler pointed out

" So are you. " I commented back as he rolled his eyes in a playful matter before he stood up and extended his hand for me to hold onto as I stood on my feet.
I guess I am getting to know the real him.

" Hey, I've got something I gotta do before the lecture. I'll meet you there okay? " Tyler asked before rushing off the other way.

The class was in silence as I walked in everyone's eyes turning to me causing my insides to turn. Instantly I calmed down when I dug my nails in my palms beneath the hoodie I had on.

" Hi. " I greeted taking a seat to complete the circle that was formed.

" Heyy " Melanie beamed at me before asking.

" Where's Tyler? " Amelia and Melanie questioned at the same moment.

" I don't know he said he had something to do before coming to class. " I explained as everyone was staring at something relief looks on their faces causing me to turn myself in confusion.

There stood walking in class was Tyler a fresh band-aid on his face. No trace of his slit eyebrow. I smiled the moment I realized that that was what he had to do, he chose to hide the scratch on his face because I grimaced every time I turned to him.

Tyler confidently sat by the boys as they all engaged in a conversation Amelia included with them as she went to check up on Tyler.

" Haz. " Melanie cut me off.

" Yeah. "

" What did you do? "

" Do what? " I offensively quirked my eyebrows but was laughed at as she had her eyes on Tyler.

" Get him to come in here like that. "

" Why? Is that not something he'd do? "

" No, it's um. Well, whenever he's pissed off he could stay hours and hours by himself out there thinking leaving us worried. "
A smile formed on my lips as I realized that I was just being accepted by none other than the boy that hated my presence the day I came here.

. . . .

The day was on the verge of ending, students packing their things secretly for the teacher not to catch them before the few seconds left of the day. The teacher explaining off himself in his world as we were all phased out especially since it's the weekend, everyone was either making plans or texting others to a party. I don't care, I just want to leave and get today over with.
Annnddd that's the bell.
I scurried off along with the pack of students rushing to my locker as I began stuffing my bag not caring what I threw in there.

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