F I F T Y - T W O

Start from the beginning

But would she believe if he share with her?

He know she wouldn't. Afterall for her all men are same like her father and he knows even was at fault somewhere. Raman didn't want to admit his mistake and at the same time want her back. He know his desire can fulfill only at one cost, on lies.

The relationships are not supposed to be start on the base of a lie but he feel their are no options left for him. The mess he created is not something he can sort with much ease, if he want to come out from that mess he need.to get back Ishita in his life. Ishita Bhalla, the woman he felt do not understand him enough, the woman he suppose incapable to be a wife.

Ishita needed yo come back in his life, at any cost. Raman rubbed his forehead coming out from his web of thoughts and gazed at Ishita who was not at her previous place. A frown of worry covered his forehead and he frantically started searching for Ishita in the crowd. Few seconds later, when he planned to give her a call, he saw a site of girl sitting behind drums.

That's Ishita.

Raman arched his eyebrows with surprise finding his wife enjoying playing drums. That was a new sight of her and he didn't knew how he should react. He was astonished knowing his madrasan wife can play drums as well. That's so unlikey of Ishita. She grabbed the attention of entire audience and yes left everyone impressed. The smile lingering on her lips turned big this time as she matched beats with the male singer who was playing guitar.

Kya mujhe pyar hai, hai ya!
Kaisa khumar hai hai na!

As the stanza ended, the beats fastened and the audiance applauded. The audiance started to sing along the singers causing Raman to shake his head. It was insane and something new for him. The jamming sessions as well as Ishita playing drums and strangely he enjoyed the both. His eyes chose to struck on her beautiful face another time and he wished world to stop for him. Raman wanted the time to stop so that he can enjoy her smiling face without any hindrance. Nowadays he enjoys looking at her face once she fall asleep, he don't know why but that's the only moment when she is with him other time she just avoid him. He could bare his heart with her sleeping form but when she is with him, they lack out of words.

How strange they have became.

The jamming session ended and he found Ishita surrounded with the crowd, appreciated and acknowledged by the group of men who were jamming.

"You was amazing. Are you professional?" Raman smiled listening his wife praises and walked little close towards her.

"No but i learnt playing drums in my college days." Ishita sweet voice fell in his ears as he kept approaching her.

"Can we meet tomorrow? It would be great to catch up. By the way you came here alone?" He noticed Ishita stiffened shoulders, before she could reply he came up and draped his free arm around her shoulder. Her short frame fitted perfectly against his body such that his chin rested on her head.

"Just she? Even i want to join you guys." Raman voice hinted calmness but it created a chaos in Ishita mind. She didn't expected him to come here. She had no damn clue how he is going to interpret her association with this group.


"I am her husband, Raman Kumar Bhalla and she is Prof. Ishita Bhalla, my wife." Raman introduced them smiling looking at Ishita. "Myself Rohan, she is amazing drummer."

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