Chapter 22: I Feel Stronger

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Tony decides to give me and the others a break after seeing a small difference in my abilities. He goes to find Pepper and I use this time to catch up with Lucas and Dustin. We sit in the common area as we talk. "So this is where you live now?" Lucas asks as he looks around.

"Yup," I answer. I smile at my brother's curiosity as he continues to admire the place.

"That's so awesome. I can't believe you're an official superhero now," Dustin comments.

"My sister, y/n Sinclair... an Avenger... who would've thought," Lucas adds in disbelief, making me laugh.

"Not me," I reply. "So, how's Houston treating you guys? Tell me about the company."

Dustin and Lucas proceed to tell me about their lives in Houston and about how they started their company from the ground up. It's so nice to know that they're happy and successful. I couldn't be prouder. Lucas tells me about our family and gives me their contact information. Eventually, night falls and they have to go back to their hotel. I say goodbye to them and go up to my own room. I do my night routine then collapse on the bed. I think about my siblings as I lie there. I have so many beautiful memories of them. How I wish I could've made more. In an instant, I'm out like a light.

Lucas poses as my mom snaps another photo. Erica and I stand beside her, just watching. I grin at my brother amusedly. He and his friends always dress up together for Halloween, it's so cute. "Adorable, baby! Just adorable!" mom squeals after taking another picture. I look down at Erica, who's cringing at Lucas's poses.

He strikes a new pose and Erica remarks, "God, you are such a nerd."

"Shut up," Lucas fires back.

"No wonder you only hang out with boys," she sasses. I stifle a laugh while my mom scolds her.

"Erica!" she hisses.

"Just the facts," Erica justifies herself. Mom brushes her off and keeps taking pictures. "Nerd," she mouths to our brother. I nudge her side and give her a pointed look. When she looks at me, I lose control and a laugh escapes my lips, making her laugh too.

"Oh my God, I love this costume. Y/n, you don't want to take any photos of your brother?" mom geeks out. Lucas gives us a look but quickly switches his gaze to the camera, striking another pose. "Uh- no, you're doing great, mom," I answer.

"Y/n doesn't photograph nerds," Erica cuts in. Mom huffs and glares at the girl. "Go get your backpack," she orders, sending Erica away. She obeys and goes inside. Mom continues to take pictures in peace and finishes by the time Erica returns.

I approach her and announce, "alright, the show's over. Let's go." I lead her to my car and she climbs in. Before getting in myself, I address Lucas.

"Lucas, you're biking to school?"

"Yeah," he responds.

"Okay," I utter as I walk up to him to hug him. "Stay safe and go straight to school. We don't need another Upside Down situation," I whisper the last part.

 "Got it," he confirms. I kiss his head and go back to my car. "Love you!" I yell out as he pedals away.

"Love you!" he shouts back.


I wake up the next morning feeling refreshed. I smile at the memory I saw in my dream last night. Oh, how I miss my family. From what Lucas has told me, they miss me too. It's time to stop being afraid to talk to them and call them up. I reach over to the nightstand and grab my phone. I open the contacts app and click on my parents' house phone number. I stare at the screen, trying to push myself to tap the call button. Before I could make a decision, someone knocks on my door. "Who is it?" I call out.

"Wanda," the person answers.

With the wave of my hand, the door unlocks and opens. Wanda comes in and closes the door behind her. "Hey," she joyously greets.

"Why are you so happy?" I curiously question. She hops onto the bed next to me, sitting with her legs crossed.

"I heard it went well yesterday. That you don't drain like a battery anymore... congrats!" she expresses. I gleam at her childlike enthusiasm.

"Aww, thanks, Maximoff!" I say before resting my eyes.

She giggles. "Your powers may be more like mine now. I think we should explore that," she continues. I peel one eye open to look at her.

"You want to test my powers?"

"Yes but I also want to help you navigate them as you discover them."

"Oh, yeah. That sounds good," I agree, closing my eyes again. Wanda just stares at me.

"Y/n," she says in a serious voice, to which I hum in response. When she doesn't say anything, I open my eyes and look at her.

"Now?" I ask. She nods her head. I groan and turn on my side. "I don't want to get up," I complain. I bury my face in my pillow, hoping the redhead will let me be. She gets off the bed and walks away. Good, she got the hint. All of a sudden I feel something hit my head. "Ow!" I lift my head to see a smirking Wanda and a half-empty water bottle on the floor by my bed. "Did you just telekinetically throw this bottle at me?" I sass.

"Sure did," she proudly states. I wave my hand, lifting the bottle off the ground. I bring my hand back before springing it forward, sending the bottle flying at Wanda. Before it could touch her, she raises her hand, stopping it in the air. I roll my eyes and fall back into my pillow.

"Steve is already waiting. Be in the training room in five minutes," she instructs. After she exits, I unwillingly get up and change into athletic wear. I brush my hair then go to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. After all that is done, I trudge out of my room and ride the elevator to the floor where the training room is. Once I arrive, the training immediately begins.

We spent an hour and a half doing combat and another hour exercising my abilities. Currently, Wanda is teaching me how to levitate and I'm having some trouble with it. "Close your eyes," she instructs.

"I don't know if I'm built to fly," I remark.

"Just do it," she dismisses my comment. I do what she says. "Okay, now imagine you're floating. You feel your feet lifting off the ground as you rise higher into the air. You feel the power coursing through your veins and pumping into your hands. Embrace it, let it lift you up," she describes.

I imagine and feel everything she illustrates. It feels super real. "Open your eyes," Wanda says. I open my eyes and am suddenly way taller than Wanda and Steve. I look down and realize I'm in the air. "Holy shit, I'm doing it!" I exclaim.

Wanda claps her hands together in excitement. "Good job, kid," Steve compliments. All of a sudden, I drop to the ground. I stumble a bit but land on my feet. I pout in disappointment.

"It's okay, you'll get it. You already did it once," Wanda assures me. 

I still have the same powers but it seems that they've grown stronger. I feel stronger. I think Wanda can somehow sense it too for she keeps pushing me to try different tricks.


We spend the next two weeks training. I learn more combat skills but the main focus of my training is my abilities. I'm getting the hang of it pretty fast, I've already mastered levitation. Peter asked how it went with Tony and the guys but I've made sure to reveal as little as possible. I wanted to wait until I can further control my powers. However, after two weeks, I'd say I'm doing pretty good and I can't keep it in any longer. I decide to call Peter to tell him the news. The phone rings three times before he picks up.

"Hey, y/n!" he says.

"Hey, Pete... uh, I need to tell you something."

"Okay, what is it?"

"Meet me on the roof of your building in 20 minutes. It's better if I show you."

"Oh- uh, sure," he responds before I hang up the phone and quickly leave the compound, making my way to Queens. I really hope he doesn't hate me for not telling him sooner. 

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