Angel Reyes and Sarah final part

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Request for hardywoman99

Sarah trys to stop Angel from going over there and start trouble but he isn't having it, he pulls way and goes over there and starts a fight with this creepy guy who will not leave his girl along, as Sarah shakes her head at Angel's actions she know he is like this but she doesn't want him in jail, so she goes over and puts her hand on his shoulder and Angel instantly stops and looks at her, sadness in his eyes he knows he has fucked up so he gets off the guy and Sarah pulls him into a hug "Angel I'm alright can we go ride another ride please? As he nods his head at her and he looks at the guy "listen man stop being a creep and don't go after someone's girl, you will last longer in this world, as you two head to another ride with ez and Emily behind you two.

Angel pulls you to his chest and smiles "I'm sorry Amore I saw red" as you look at him "it's alright Angel I know your protective of me and you get jealous quick I am the same with you" as he kisses your forehead lightly and you four get on this ride, he knows he will have to the club about this fight when he goes in to the yard tomorrow afternoon. A little later you four are eating and talking when Angels phone goes off and he checks it and sees it's pops so he answers it and he looks at EZ and he learns about their Aunt on Marisol side aka his ma's side just passed away and the funeral is going to be held this weekend and they have to go to Stockton CA for it, as angel nods his head and let's pops know he will talk to Bishop tomorrow afternoon about it, letting him know he needs Friday And Saturday off, he also let's pops know you will be joining them, your family same with Emily if she can make it too as EZ looks at Angel as he is worry but angel shakes his head and then him and pops finish the conversation then he looks at EZ when he gets off the phone "it's Tià maria she died, funeral is being held in stockton Saturday morning so we need to leave Friday afternoon, when you take Emily home see if her parents are alright with her going, I got to talk to Bishop about me off Friday at work and Sarah is going too" as you smile at him, you love his family but more important you love him. Angel turns and looks at you as he winks and pulls you into his chest, and kisses your forehead and you all get up and head home, Angel is going to drop you off at your place you live with your mom, then he will head home to his pops house, EZ will take Emily home then head home himself. Angel helps you on his bike again then you two head to your place, You wrap your arms around his waist and you two head to your house, he will ask your mom about you going to Stockton for his Auntie funeral, you and him don't think she will, your mom likes Angel. Angel Is truly your soulmate. Your mom trust angel with your life and that's something Amazing.

That it for this one I hope you liked it... Jax will be next!!!

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