My Mistake part 39

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V-"Oh my gosh really!"
J-"Yes really!"
They all started jumping up and down then Polly came over to us with a questioning look on her face
P-"What are you guys jumping up and down for?"
J-"I'm gonna ask Betty to marry me"
P-"You are!"
J-"Yeah I'm gonna ask her after the babies are born"
P-"Oh Jughead! She's gonna be so happy! Wait but don't you have to be like 18 to get married?"
J-"Yeah you do so we're just gonna have to wait a year or 2, which is good because the babies can be in the wedding too"
T-"That's perfect! You all are gonna be the cutest family"
They all awed over the thought of my little family
J-"But I need your guy's help, I still need to pick out a ring and figure out how I'm gonna do it"
V-"Ok well I don't work next Monday, and Betty's gonna be working... does that work for you guys?"
P-"Yeah that works for me, I'll just have my mom watch the twins"
V-"Wait have you asked Alice yet?"
J-"Well- ya see-"
C-"Hobo I've known Betty and Alice for a long time, and we all know Alice she'll never let you do this without you asking her"
J-"Ok, well I'll ask her tomorrow before I go to work"
C-"Goos now let's go back to the table before Betty starts getting suspicious"
We all chuckled then went back over to the table, that night we all talked and laughed like we all used to do and it felt like we were all just normal teenagers eating dinner at Pop's.

~Back at home~
Betty's POV:
We had just gotten back home and we were getting ready for bed, Jug had just gotten in the shower I stole one of his shirts and started taking off my makeup when Jug came out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist
J-"Like what ya see Coop"
He smirked and I blushed
J-"Wait... that's my shirt!"
B-"Well it's comfy, and I'm carrying your babies it's the least you could do"
J-"Well in that case take as many shirts as your little heart desires"
He came over and wrapped his arms around me then pulled my head back and gave me a soft kiss on my lips then walked over to the dresser and got out some pajamas
J-"So Sweet Pea and Polly looked like they were pretty close"
B-"Yeah their dating!"
He looked at me with a shocked face
B-"Yes really!"
J-"Aw their a cute couple"
B-"Ya know you've gone soft"
J-"Have not!"
B-"Have too!"
J-"Fine I have a little bit"
He whispered and I smirked accepting the win
J-"But only for you Betty Cooper"
We both smiled as I snuggled into his chest and we both drifted off asleep.

~The next day~
Jughead's POV:
I walked up to the red door at the Coopers house, I remember when I used to pick Betty up to walk her to school, I remember the first time I kissed her in her room, I remember us snuggling in her bed not a care in the world.
I finally got the confidence to knock on the door, I was so nervous and my hands were so sweating
J-"H-Hi I-uh-um- c-can I come in please"
A-"Of course, come on in"
She smiled and I walked in and sat down at the dining room table
J-"I-I just wanted to um- ask you s-something"
A-"Of course, but don't be so nervous"
J-"O-Ok so I-I want t-to ask Betty t-to marry me a-and I-I was wondering maybe- could I have your blessing?"
She looked at me with a shocked face before a smile spread across her lips
A-"Of course! And I think I have a ring for you to use"
She got up and walked into her bedroom and walked back out with a small box, she handed it to me and I opened it
A-"It was how my father asked my mother to marry her, she gave it to me before she died. I want you to give it to Betty"
I opened the small box and it was a beautiful ring, it had a bigger diamond in the middle with 2 smaller diamonds on the side
J-"Thank you so much"
I got up and gave her a hug then I left and went to work.

F-"Jughead boi! Come here!"
I walked into the trailer that my dad was in and I looked at him and he was holding something but I couldn't tell what it was until he moved his hand to the side and I saw that it was the box the ring was in...
F-"What's this?"
He held up the ring
J-"A ring..."
F-"Is it for Betty?"
F-"Are you gonna ask her to marry you?"
He looked down and shook his head then looked back up and smiled then pulled me into a hug
F-"I'm so proud of you"
J-"Thanks dad"
F-"Take care of her and the babies"
J-"I will dad... I will"
When we pulled apart I could see he had a tear in his eye and I knew he was proud of me.
Now all I have to do is make sure Betty doesn't see the ring...

My MistakeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora