My Mistake part 25

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She wiped the tears from my face and they pulled me into a hug as more tears streamed down my face.
A-"I'm gonna have 2 grandsons and 2 granddaughters!"
B-"Yeah you are Mom" *smiles*
P-"I wonder if you'll have them in the same order as me, I had Dagwood first then 4 minutes later I had Juniper. God Juniper hurt the worst"
I got a worried look on my face, I have always wanted my own family but I was always scared to give birth, then when I found out I was pregnant my fear grew.
A-"Honey wants wrong?"
B-"I-I'm scared to give birth"
A-"Honey I know it's scary but once you have your babies in your hand then you forget the pain"
P-"Yeah, plus you still have the rest of your pregnancy to go before you have to give birth"
B-"Thank you guys"
They both nodded and helped me back down before we signed out and I got my pictures and we drove back home.

After we said our goodbyes to my Mom Polly left to go get the twins and I called over Veronica, Cheryl, and Toni so I could tell them the genders. But until they got here I sat down and started to talk to my babies.
B-"Hi babies, baby boy and baby girl... I guess  you both need names. I always thought that your daddy and I would be picking out names together while he talked to you guys and gave you kisses for me, but I guess it's just me... so how about hmmm how about.... Juliet for you my baby girl, and for you my baby boy hmmm"
I then heard a knock at the door
B-"I'll think of one for you my baby boy, I love you both so much"
I stroked my stomach and felt them move around before I got up and opened the door.
B-"Hey guys!"
V-"Hi B!"
They all came in and sat down on the couches
T-"So... what are you having?"
B-"Well... it's a boy and a girl!"
They all jumped up and hugged me.
V-"Okay we're going shopping! On me!"
B-"V I can't-"
V-"No no no, I just had a very good night at the speakeasy last night so today is all on me!"
B-"Fine... I'm not arguing with you cause I don't have the energy to"
V-"Good let's go girls!"
We all chucked and got into Veronica's car before we drove off to the mall.

B-"Thanks guys! See you tomorrow at work V"
I waved and walked in the door with bags full of baby clothes.
Juniper and Dagwood came running to me and giving me a hug while Polly took the bags up to the nursery, we still haven't finished the nursery yet we don't even have the cribs out of the boxes yet the only thing we have is a rocking chair in the corner of the room which I sit in and plan out what the nursery will look like.
B-"Do you guys wanna know if it's boys or girls?"
They both nodded there heads and I pulled out the ultrasound picture out of my purse and pointed to the 2 babies
B-"That one's a boy and that one's a girl!"
J-"Yayyyy! I'm going to have a best frend!"
D-"Me too!"
They hugged my belly and talked to the babies.
P-"Ok what do you want for dinner?"
B-"I-I think I'm gonna go into my room for a little bit"
P-"You ok?"
B-"Yeah yeah I just need some space"
P-"Ok I'll call you for dinner when it's ready"
I walked up into my room and grabbed my headphones then I walked into the nursery and sat down in the rocking chair, I put the headphones on my stomach and started playing music while I started folding some of the clothes that we got at the store and putting them into piles while the babies kicked. They liked listening to music, when I help my Mom with the newspaper I put my headphones on my stomach so that they can kick because they kick it makes me know there ok and when I know my babies are ok then I'm happy and I feel better.
But right now I don't really think even the babies could cheer me up... I missed Jug and I couldn't deny it I still loved him with all my heart, but I needed to let him go and get ready for the babies.
Polly walked in and gave me a plate of food and sat down on the ground next to me.
B-"Thank you"
I smiled at her
P-"Yeah no problem. I thought you'd be in here"
B-"Yeah I just needed to fold some of the clothes"
P-"Betty... we both know that's not true"
B-"Yeah I guess"
P-"You miss Jughead don't you"
B-"Yeah I do" *tears*
P-"Come here"
She took me into her arms and I sobbed into her shoulder
B-"I'm sorry I've been so emotional, my hormones have been through the roof lately"
P-"It's ok trust me my hormones were so bad that I would cry when my hair wouldn't dry in time"
We both chuckled before I started to eat but then I dropped it and ran to the bathroom and threw up.
P-"Oh shit, sorry I forgot to take the tuna out of that one"
She rubbed my back
B-"I-It's fine"
P-"Come on let's get you to bed"
She helped me up and to my bed before we said good night and I fell asleep.

~2 weeks later~
Jughead's POV:
Today I'm heading back to Riverdale, I had just packed up my duffle bag and I hoped on my motorcycle and started driving until I saw the "Welcome to Riverdale" sign I stopped and smiled before continuing to drive to Pop's.

My MistakeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz