My Mistake part 17

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Veronica's POV:
I was behind the counter working the register when I saw Betty walk in when she walked behind the counter I saw her little baby bump and I started smiling while she looked at me confused
B-"What?" *laugh*
V-"Come on B you really thought I wouldn't notice!"
B-"Notice what?"
V-"Your showing!"
I placed my hand on her small bump
B-"Oh yeah, there starting to grow" *giggles*
V-"Eeek! I can't wait to spoil them!!"
B-"I know you can't" *laughs*
V-"Oh Fp came here looking for you yesterday after you left, I said you would be here tomorrow so he's coming in-"
We heard the bell over the door ring and Fp walked in
V-"Speaking of"
B-"Oh god give me give me an apron!"
B-"Became his grandchildren decided to start to grow inside of me"
She pointed to her stomach
V-"Don't blame my nieces and or nephews for starting to grow"
B-"Just give me the damn apron"
V-"Ok ok Ms. Moody"
I handed her the apron and helped her tie it so it wasn't to tight about her belly.
Then she came out from behind the counter and she walked over to his table

Betty's POV:
I walked over to Fp's table maybe I could get some answers about Jughead I've been trying to contact him but I've lost hope that he's going to come back, so I've been preparing my self to be a single mother.
Fp-"Hi Betty!"
B-"Hi, could I get you anything to eat or to drink?"
Fp-"No no I'm good I actually came here to ask you something"
B-"O-Oh ok, mind if I sit?"
I sat down slowly
Fp-"Have you heard from Jughead at all?"
I felt my heart drop if he hadn't heard from Jughead earlier then maybe he didn't block me
B-"N-No I haven't I tried to contact him because- it dosen't matter but he hasn't responded to my text or my voicemail"
Fp-"I haven't heard from him earlier we were staying in contact then it just stopped"
B-"I'm sorry"
Fp-"It's not your fault, I just hope he comes back soon"
B-"So do we" *whispers*
Fp-"I'm sorry?"
B-"So do I, I miss him so much"
Fp-"Well thanks for meeting with me, it was nice to see you"
B-"You too"
Fp-"I'll let you know if I hear anything"
B-"Thank you, I will too"
Fp-"Ok bye"
I waved and went back to Veronica.
B-"He hasn't heard from Jughead earlier"
V-"We'll that's good?"
B-"No! It probably means he's just leaving all of us behind and fucking girls in the back of clubs"
V-"Hey! Language!"
She put her hands on my stomach.
V-"Sorry babies your mommy's mad at your daddy"
She bent down to my stomach and said while giving my stomach a kiss
B-"You guys have the best auntie you know that"
I stroked my stomach as Veronica nodded and smiled
B-"Well I should get to work"
V-"Ok you can have tables 3 through 8 or do you want less? I don't want to overwhelm you"
B-"No V that's perfect"
V-"Ok, bye babies"
She kissed my belly one more time before getting up and going into the back, while I got to work.

~A few hours later~
Betty's POV:
I walked in the door being greeted by Polly making cookies, I went to set my purse down on the counter when I saw Polly's computer open I looked and saw she was looking at houses to buy.
B-"Why are you looking at houses?"
P-"Well I thought since your having twins that this apartment might get to small for all 6 of us so... I started looking for houses, I found this really good one it has 2 floors plus a beautiful finished basement, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, a beautiful fenced in backyard, a-and a nice pool, cozy living room, big kitchen, walking distance from the beach and a park! it's in a beautiful safe neighborhood and has great schools! So what do you think?"
B-"I think that's great but I just have one question..."
B-"How much is it?"
P-"Um 675 thousand" *whispers*
B-"Polly.. you didn't already make an offer did you?"
P-"Um maybe" *whispers*
B-"Oh my god Polly! At least let me help pay for it"
B-"Nope I'm at least helping pay for it"
P-"Fine but we don't even know if she'll take me up on the offer"
B-"Well we'll just have to wait and see"
I grabbed a cookie then went and sat on the couch.

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