My Mistake part 35

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~A few hours later~
Betty's POV:
F-"So your having twins?! And you didn't tell me!"
B-"I'm sorry I wanted to so bad but I didn't want you telling Jug"
F-"I wouldn't have snitched! But I'm glad your back"
He gave me a hug and patted my baby bump before Jug came back over and pecked my lips then sat down next to me
F-"Man Jones, your a baby daddy"
J-"Yeah I am, to the most beautiful woman in the world"
T-"Does he always kiss your ass this much" *whispers*
I chuckled
J-"Hey I have to try, she's carrying my little angels and she deserves every compliment she gets"
And that did it for me I started balling and they all looked at me with worry
B-"I'm sorry i-it's just the hormones"
J-"Oh baby come here"
He took me in his arms and kissed my head
J-"I love you"
He whispered in my ear and stroked my baby bump softly, when he felt a kick we both smiled
J-"Oh and my dad is taking us to the trailer so we can see Jellybean"
B-"Yay! I can't wait to see her. When are we leaving?"
J-"Right now actually, so let's go"
I nodded and got up and hugged Toni and Fangs then we went out to his dad's truck and we drove to the trailer...

When we got to the trailer Jughead helped me out of the truck and Fp opened the door, when we walked in Fp called out to Jellybean
F-"Jelly! We're home!"
She came walking out on her phone and when she looked up from it her eyes lit up and she into my arms
Jb-"Betty! I haven't seen you in forever! And your pregnant!"
I smiled at her freaking out and she pulled me into another hug
J-"Does your brother get any love? I mean I am the one who got her pregnant"
Jb-"Oh shut up I'm getting to you"
We let go and she went over and hugged Jughead then came back over to me and hugged me again
Jb-"Wait... does this mean I'm gonna be an auntie?"
B-"Yes you are, these babies are gonna be so lucky to have you as an auntie"
I smiled and placed my hand on my baby bump and it took her a second to realize but she caught on
Jb-"Wait did you say babies?! Your having twins!"
B-"Yup one girl and one boy"
She jumped up and started clapping and squealing.
Jb-"Here do you need to sit down o-or you do want anything? Or need anything?"
J-"Hey that's my job!"
B-"I'm fine thank you both"
We talked for a little while before it was time for us to go back to my house
J-"Well it's getting late and this ones getting tired, so we better head home. Oh dad do you mind if we barrow your truck? Betty can't really ride the bike"
F-"Yeah of course, I actually wanted to give it to you... your gonna need it a lot more then I do"
J-"Really, thanks dad"
He threw Jug the keys and I went over and hugged Fp and Jellybean
Jb-"Bye Betty, bye babies"
She stroked my baby bump and giggled when she felt them kick, I gave her one last hug then Jug took my hand and lead me to the car then we drove back to the house.

~A few weeks later~
Betty's POV:
I am 6 and a half months pregnant and today's my birthday! I don't really expect Jughead to do anything for me, I don't want him to do anything for me... he already does so much for me especially with me being pregnant he takes care of me and I love him for it.
I had just woken up and I didn't feel Jug next to me, but I heard singing coming from down the hall and before I knew it Jughead, the twins, and Polly came in singing happy birthday and Jughead had a tray of food with a very small cake with candles on it. He placed it down and when they were done singing I blew out the candles and they all clapped
J-"Happy birthday baby"
He cupped my face and gave me a soft kiss, then the twins came over and jumped on the bed then gave me a hug
Ju/D-"Happy birthday!"
B-"Thank you!"
They hugged my belly then me then they ran off into their room and Polly sat down next to me
P-"Happy Birthday sis"
She hugged me
B-"Thank you" *smiles*
B-"So, what's new?"
P-"We'll, I kinda met someone"

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