My Mistake part 24

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Betty's POV:
When I was done packing the twins clothes away I dragged the box out to the living room.
B-"Ok, I'm done"
I plopped on the couch as my phone rang I sighed and got back up to answer it.
~On the phone~
N-"Hi is this Betty Cooper?"
B-"Yes this is she"
N-"Ok I was just calling to tell you that your ultrasound has been pushed back 2 weeks, the doctor has a very busy schedule so she had to push you back a few weeks, what day would work for you?"
B-"Um Thursday?"
N-"Ok we'll see you then, sorry for the inconvenience"
B-"Don't worry about it"
I hung up and sunk down into the chair again.
C-"What's with the face cousin?"
B-"They just pushed my ultrasound back"
V-"Was that the one where you were gonna find out the genders?"
I nodded my head
T-"Wait how many weeks are you right now?"
B-"Almost 16 weeks"
They all nodded their heads and I felt the babies kick again I smiled and put my hand on my stomach
B-"There kicking again"
I exclaimed happily as everyone rushed over and put their hands on my stomach.
V-"Oh my god there so cute!"
They were all giggling over the babies it was so cute, they were all going to be the best Auntie's.
I started to tear up and a tear escaped my eye and they all looked at me in confusion
T-"B what's wrong?"
B-"Y-You just always hear when teenagers get pregnant that all there family and friends leave them.... but you guys stayed"
They all awed and hugged me
B-"Also my hormones are a bitch"
We all chuckled and got back to packing.

~2 weeks later~
Betty's POV:
I'm 18 weeks pregnant now, and today I'm going to find out the genders of my babies I'm really excited but also so nervous.
Polly, the twins, and I are all moved into the new house, we're still unpacking a few things but other then that we're all moved in.
P-"Betty hurry up! Mom's support to be here in 5 minutes"
B-"I'm coming!"
I walked down but when I saw my self in front of the mirror I sighed
B-"I'm so fat!"
P-"Betty your not fat-"
B-"Yes I am! Look at me!"
P-"Betty your pregnant! With twins"
I sighed and placed my hand on my stomach and felt a little kick which always made me feel better
B-"Yeah I guess" *smiles*
P-"Oh my god your mood swings are worse then mine" *laughs*
B-"Excuse me! I am pregnant with twins"
P-"Yes I know"
She smiled and rubbed my stomach lightly.
B-"Are you gonna bring the twins?"
P-"No, I'm gonna drop them off at daycare"
B-"Oh ok"
A-"Knock knock"
My Mom walked in the door and looked really excited
A-"Ready to go?"
I grabbed my purse and threw on my cardigan. Then we were out the door.

~At the doctors office~
My palms were sweaty and my leg was bouncing up and down as I sat down in the chair, waiting for my name to be called.
My Mom and Polly must have sensed I was nervous because they both grabbed my hand and gave it a little squeeze.
N-" Elizabeth Cooper"
I stood up and we all followed the nurse into a room, once we got into the room I got up onto the chair and the nurse asked me a few questions before she left.
D-"Knock knock, hi Betty how are we doing today?"
D-"Oh and who do we have here?"
B-"This is my Mom"
D-"Oh Alice! It's been a long time"
A-"Yes it has"
The doctor and my Mom shook hands before she turned back to me
D-"And are you going to want to find out the gender today?"
B-"Ye-yes please"
D-"Ok let's get started"
I nodded my head before pulling up my shirt revealing my swollen belly.
She squeezed the gel on my stomach, I was still not used to the cold feeling and the hairs on my back stood up, but after a few minutes it went away.
D-"Ok and it says here your about 18 weeks?"
D-"And have the babies started kicking yet?"
B-"Yes they have"
I smiled at the thought of my babies kicking and moving around.
D-"Ok let's get started"
The lights turned off while the black and white screen turned on, my Mom and Polly grabbed my hand.
The doctor grabbed the wand and started moving it around my stomach before my 2 babies popped up on the screen they weren't little dots or little beans anymore they were grown and they both had arms and legs it was so cute.
D-"Ok there's baby 1... and baby 2"
She pointed to the 2 babies on the screen and I smiled.
D-"Are you ready to know the genders?"
I nodded my head.
D-"Ok so baby 1 is a boy and baby 2 is a girl! Congratulations!"
Tears started streaming down my face as the doctor turned back on the lights and handed me a paper towel to wipe the gel of my stomach.
D-"Your pictures should be at the front desk when you checkout, see you next month!"
B-"T-Thank you so much"
She nodded her head and walked out and I turned to Polly and my Mom tears streaming down my face. But they were happy tears.
P-"Aw Betty! Your following in my footsteps"
We both chuckled.
A-"How do you feel?"
B-"So happy but a little scared"
She wiped the tears from my face and they pulled me into a hug as more tears streamed down my face.
A-"Now I'm gonna have 2 grandsons and 2 granddaughters!"
B-"Yeah you are Mom" *smiles*
P-"I wonder if you'll have them in the same order as me, I had Dagwood first then 4 minutes later I had Juniper. God Juniper hurt the worst"
I got a worried look on my face, I have always wanted my own family but I was always scared to give birth, then when I found out I was pregnant my fear grew.
A-"Honey wants wrong?"
B-"I-I'm scared to give birth"
A-"Honey I know it's scary but once you have your babies in your hand then you forget the pain"
P-"Yeah, plus you still have the rest of your pregnancy to go before you have to give birth"
B-"Thank you guys"
They both nodded and helped me back down before we signed out and I got my pictures before we drove back home.

After we said our goodbyes to my Mom Polly left to go get the twins and I called over Veronica, Cheryl, and Toni so I could tell them the genders. But until they got here I sat down and started to talk to my babies.
B-"Hi babies, baby boy and baby girl... I guess  you both need names. I always thought that your daddy and I would be picking out names together while he talked to you guys and gave you kisses for me, but I guess it's just me... so how about hmmm how about.... Juliet for you my baby girl, and for you my baby boy hmmm"
I then heard a knock on the door
B-"I'll think of one for you my baby boy, I love you both so much"
I stroked my stomach and felt them move around before I got up and opened the door.
B-"Hey guys!"
V-"Hi B!"
They all came in and sat down on the couches
T-"So... what are you having?"
B-"Well... it's a boy and a girl!"
They all jumped up and hugged me.
V-"Okay we're going shopping! On me!"
B-"V I can't-"
V-"No no no, I just had a very good night at the speakeasy last night so today is all on me!"
B-"Fine... I'm not arguing with you cause I don't have the energy to"
V-"Good let's go girls!"
We all chucked and got into Veronica's car before we drove off to the mall.

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