My Mistake part 48

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Once I got to Fp's trailer I saw his bike was there so I got out the twins and went up to the front door and knocked on it, Fp answered it
F-"Betty! Come on in"
I smiled and walked in with the babies in my arms
F-"Where's Jughead?"
B-"That's actually why I'm here..."
I explained everything to him and he put his head in his hands and rubbed his eyes
F-"I'm so sorry for your lost Betty"
B-"Thank you"
F-"I'm gonna try and find Jug, why don't you go home and I'm sure he'll be home by tonight"
B-"Thank you so much Mr. Jones"
F-"Of course Betty"
I smiled and got the babies back into the car and drove home.

After I got home the babies wouldn't stop crying, I didn't even realize I was supposed to pick up the twins almost 30 minutes ago until Tabitha called me, she offered to bring them here because she had just gotten off her shift so I agreed and gave her the address. Once I heard the door bell ring I yelled for them to come in and the twins ran in and over to me then hugged my legs. I hugged them back and they went into the living room and started playing with their toys
B-"Thank you so much, I have not been able to get these babies to stop crying and I totally lost track of time"
T-"Betty, it's fine ok, I was leaving anyway"
B-"Well would you wanna stay for dinner? I was just gonna order a pizza... I mean you could stay and play with the kids if you want"
I chuckled and she looked over at the twins before looking back at me
T-"Sure, but let me hold these 2 cuties while you order the pizza"
I smiled and handed her the babies then grabbed my phone and ordered the pizza.

~The night before~
Jughead's POV:
I went to the Whyte Wyrm and got drunk, I couldn't be a father to 4 kids I could barely even be a father to our twins. I mean what the hell was she thinking... what the hell was I thinking, being a father, a husband, I could never take care of them. I'm just gonna be the drunk just like my dad was before he turned his life around
T-"Hey Jones! How's fatherhood treating ya!"
I sarcastically laughed and took a shot
J-"Well turns out I'm a father to 4 now"
Her mouth dropped to the floor as she poured me another drink
J-"Well apparently her mother adopted Polly's twins for us"
T-"Oh my god, poor B"
J-"Yeah "poor" B"
I whispered and took a sip of my drink
T-"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"
J-"Toni she was saying how if we did this together then we could do this, I mean is she going insa-"
She slapped me across my face
T-"Don't you dare talk about her like that, this girl just lost her sister who was also her best friend, her mother left, she just gave birth to your children, and she was blindsided by this adoption too. So how do you think it made her feel when her fiancé also left her with 4 kids"
I had just realized what I had said, what I had done, I left the love of my life there the day her sister was murdered and her mom left, I'm a terrible fiancé she didn't deserve me she deserves someone way better then me. I was so disappointed in myself
J-"Give me another shot"
She rolled her eyes and poured me another shot, before I knew it I was sloppy drunk.

Toni's POV:
I don't know what the fuck had gotten into Jughead but he was never like this, this whole father thing must really been messing with him. I saw a girl start to come on to him but he pushed her off, I knew he still loved Betty and their kids so much but he was just scared. I knew Betty was scared too but she just never showed it to anyone but Jughead.
I saw the girl becoming more and more pushy to get on to Jughead, the last time she pushed him off but she came back onto him I lost it and came out from behind the bar and knocked the bitch on her ass then grabbed Jughead and brought him upstairs to his office. I laid him down on the couch then splashed his face with cold water
J-"What the hell Toni?!"
T-"You are gonna go to sleep, wake up tomorrow with a bad hangover, then go back to Betty and make it right"
J-"Ok fine, thanks"
I rolled my eyes and walked out god I'm so glad I'm into woman, because men are pigs.

~Back to the present~
Betty's POV:
We finished the pizza and Tabitha had left, she is really fun to have around, she played with the twins, held the babies, she even cleaned up the twins toys after they were done.
I had already given the babies a bath and I just finished giving the twins a bath and I was getting everyone ready for bed
B-"Come back here! You can't just run around the house naked and wet!"
I chased after Dagwood with a towel trying not to slip on the bath water that was dripping off of him. Once I finally got him I wrapped him in the towel and carried him back into their room and put on his pj's, I then looked over and saw that Juniper had already put on her pj's
B-"Goos job June!"
J-"Thanks auntie"
She twirled around and climbed into her bed, I then picked up Dagwood and put him in his bed, then changed the babies into their pj's and put them in their cribs then got out a book and started reading it
B-"And they both lived happily ever after... the end"
I looked over at everyone and they were all asleep so I turned off the light and walked to my room then fell asleep.

I woke up to cry's coming from the kids room, I immediately got up and ran to their room and saw that it was Juliet crying, I picked her up and brought her downstairs praying that she won't wake up the other kids.
As soon as I sat down on the couch she threw up on me and kept crying, I got up and wiped off my shirt then rocked my crying daughter in my arms
B-"Come on baby, please go to sleep for mommy. I know you want daddy but he isn't here"
She didn't stop crying and also I started crying because I couldn't get her to sleep and she obviously didn't feel good and I couldn't make her feel better. But what I didn't know was that Jughead was standing in the door way that whole time...

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