My Mistake part 15

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D-"That's your other cousin"
My heart dropped
B-"W-What d-do y-you m-mean?"
D-"Congratulations Ms. Cooper your having twins!"
I looked at Polly with tears starting to stream down my face
D-"I'll give you a minute"
She handed me a paper towel to wipe the gel off my stomach then she left
B-"P-Polly it's twins, twins! I-I can't do this I can't do this without Jughead! I-I don't know what to do!" *sobs*
P-"Betty, Betty look at me your going to be ok, I will help you through everything it's not good to be stressed out right now, you need to calm down everything's going to be ok"
B-"B-But what am I going to tell him"
P-"Your going to call him and tell him the truth and if he wants to take responsibility that's great if he doesn't he's an asshole, but I know Jughead and he loves you so much and he will take responsibility for the twins but whatever happens I will always be here for you"
B-"T-Thank you Polly"
She took me into her arms and I looked over her shoulders and I saw the twins jumping up and down with each other
B-"I think some people like that there's two babies"
Polly looked over at the twins dancing
P-"Are you guys happy that auntie has two babies in her tummy"
We both laughed and went to the front desk to fill out another form and I even got a few pictures of the ultrasound.
After we got home I text Veronica, Toni, and Cheryl to meet me at Pop's so I could tell them that I'm having twins.
B-"Bye Polly I'm going to go meet the girls at Pop's I'll be back in an hour!"
I waved and shut the door then drove to Pop's

~At Pop's~
Betty's POV:
When I got to Pop's I walked in and saw the girls at a booth chatting with each other when they saw me they all got up and came over hugging me tightly.
B-"I missed you guys too"
C-"How are the twins and Polly?"
B-"There all doing perfectly well"
T-"How are you?"
B-"I'm hangin in there"
T-"And the baby?" *whispers*
B-"Uh that's actually what I wanted to talk to you about.."
V-"Is the baby ok? Did I stress you out to much? Did you have a miscarriage? Oh my god it's all my fault I shouldn't have overwhelmed you I-I'm so sor-"
B-"V you did nothing wrong the baby's fine"
C-"Then what happen at the ultrasound?"
B-"Let's sit down first"
We all sat down and I pulled out the ultrasound pictures and handed everyone one
V-"Oh look at how cute my little niece or nephew is!"
B-"Do you see anything else?"
They all shook there head no then I pointed to both of the little dots
B-"There's baby 1 and there's baby 2"
They all gasped
T-"B are you having twins?" *whispers*
I nodded my head and they all came over and hugged me then they all started flooding me with questions
V-"How long many weeks did they say you are?"
B-"7 weeks"
C-"Have you told Jughead yet?"
B-"N-No I'm going to call him when I get home"
T-"How are you doing with all this?"
B-"I think it's going to take some time but I will get used to it"
They all grabbed my hand
C-"Don't worry Betty we'll all support you"
B-"I love you guys so much" *tears*
C-"Betty don't cry"
V-"We love you too B"
T-"Yeah and we're gonna do everything we can to help you"
B-"Thank you all so much"
I got up and hugged everyone
V-"Now go! You need to call your baby daddy!"
B-"Ok, bye everyone!"
I waved and drove home.

~At home~
Betty's POV:
I unlocked the door and walked in, I called out to Polly but I heard nothing I started looking around but there was no sight of them then I saw a note on the counter,
Hey Betty I took the twins to the pool we'll be back in an hour, take a nap we'll be back soon.
Love you ♡︎
I smiled and put back down the note before going and laying down on the couch.

Polly's POV:
I walked in the door with the twins falling behind me we were all dripping wet, I glanced over at Betty sleeping on the couch I heard small sobs coming from the couch I ran over to Betty who was crying in her sleep she was hyperventilating I tried shaking her awake
P-"Betty! Betty wake up!"
She finally shot up
B-"H-He was coming f-for me" *sobs*
P-"I know I know it's ok, you safe now"
I hugged her tight as she started to calm down a bit as the twins came over and hugged us.

~a few hours later~
Betty's POV:
P-"Ok I finally got the twins asleep"
Polly came over and sat down on the couch next to me, I laughed as I looked at her
P-"You ok?"
She looked at me with a concerned face
B-"I-I think I am, it's just really overwhelming but I think I'm ready"
B-"To call Jughead he needs to know"
She smiled then hugged me tight, I pulled out my phone and clicked on Jughead's contact my hand started shaking as I tried to press the call button.
P-"Betty you don't have to"
B-"Yes, yes I do I have to tell my babies father that he is going to be a father"
I shook my head then pressed call.

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