My Mistake part 27

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~The next day~
Betty's POV:
I just got out of the shower and I dried off my hair before putting it up in a towel so it didn't drip everywhere, I decided to wear a cute maturity shirt and some maturity jeans... the shirt was a light pink and the jeans were a lighters color of blue. I did some natural makeup and let me hair down, I tried to tie my shoes but I eventually gave up and called Polly
B-"Can you tie my shoes pleaseeee"
I said cutely and she just chuckled before going on her knees and tying my shoes for me.
B-"Thank you!"
P-"Your welcome"
She chuckled before helping me up and I was on my way to Pop's
B-"Are you guys ready to meet your daddy?"
I felt them move around a little bit then I felt a kick on the side of my stomach
B-"I'll take that as a yes" *laughs*
Jughead here we come...

Jughead's POV:
I slept at the bunker that night, luckily I showered before I left my apartment so I didn't smell.
I was riding to Pop's when I pulled over because I couldn't get it out of my head... What if Archie was gonna be there too? What if he's the father? What if I'm the father?
I ran my fingers through my hair before hoping back on my bike and driving off to Pop's.

~At Pop's~
I walked in the doors of Pop's and was greeted by none other Pop Tate himself.
P-"Jughead! Look at you... where have you been?"
J-"Oh I took a trip, but I'm back"
P-"For good?"
We exchanged a smile before I went and sat down at a booth... then she walked she's so beautiful she has a beautiful pregnancy glow and her hair was down and her baby bump fit her perfectly. Damn it why can't I get her out of my head.

Betty's POV:
I walked into Pop's and saw Jughead sitting there, our eyes met and I wanted to just run up and kiss him... but I couldn't and that made me hurt inside.
We held our stare for a few seconds before his eye's traveled down to my bump I looked at it and placed my hand softly on top of it before walking over to the booth and sliding in, our eyes met again and I couldn't look away... his beautiful blue eyes made me melt. I hope our babies had his eyes... no I needed to stop and focus but I'm so scared what do I say? What do I do?
B-"So... how have you been?"
J-"Oh come on Betty cut the crap... is it mine?"
He eyed my stomach and tears started to form in my eyes
B-"Y-Yes t-their y-yours"
I looked down as a tear slipped out of my eye
B-"It's twins"
I smiled slightly
J-"A-And your just telling me this now?!"
B-"I'm so sorry Jug, please please let me explain"
J-"You know what Betty I need some space"
B-"No please Jug... please don't leave me alone" *cries*
I tried to go after him but he was already gone and I broke down crying just as Veronica walked in, she ran to me and helped me to a booth and tried to calm me down.
V-"B what happen?"
B-"I-I just talked to Jughead and when I told him about the babies he just left" *sobs*
V-"B don't worry he'll come around... I know he will"
B-"I-I hope"
V-"Yeah, why don't I get us some ice cream"
B-"Actually V I'm just gonna go home... I-I just wanna be alone right now"
V-"Ok, call me if you want or need anything"
I nodded by head and gave her a hug before going back home.

Jughead's POV:
I couldn't believe it I was gonna be a father to twins! I couldn't believe she had hid this from me, I needed time to think about all of this so I went to the Whyte Wyrm, when I walked in everybody went silent and looked at me then started cheering and welcoming me back then my dad came over to me and gave me a hug
F-"My boi's back!"
J-"Hey dad"
I gave a small smile before going over to the bar and sitting down putting my head in my hands but my Dad started to walk over and I just sat up and smiled while he patted me on the back then invited me to play a game of Pool with him.

~A few hours later~
Jughead's POV:
I was still playing pool with my dad when I decided that I needed to ask him something
J-"Hey Dad"
J-"W-What did you do when Mom told you she was pregnant with me?"
My Dad just looked at me and shook his head before coming and sitting down next to me at the bar
F-"I-I have to admit I didn't take it to well, I came here got drunk and went home argued with your Mom and she went to stay with her sister for a while... I regret it and was waiting everyday for her to come home, she finally came home after about 3 months and I quit drinking but after she had Jellybean I fell off the wagon again"
I just put my head in my hands and thought about how I just left Betty there
F-"Why are you asking me this? Did you get a girl pregnant or somethin" *chuckles*
I nervously laughed but then Veronica bursted into the doors.

My MistakeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora