My Mistake part 36

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She smirked and I gasped
B-"You did! Tell me about him!"
P-"Well remember the other day when I told you Sweet Pea stopped by to see if Jughead was here..."
B-"Oh... my... god!"
P-"Please be happy for me Betty"
B-"Of course I'm happy for you! You deserve someone"
She hugged me and when we pulled away we both smiled
P-"After Jason died I thought I never could recover, but I knew I had to be strong for the babies. So I got a job and bought an apartment then had the twins by myself"
B-"I wish you would have told me, I would have helped you"
P-"Betty I wanted you to live your life you didn't need to be helping your pregnant big sister"
B-"Well look at me now, I'm following in your footsteps"
I smiled and she chuckled
P-"Yeah you did always love to copy me didn't you" *chuckles*
B-"Yeah I did"
We both started laughing again, then the babies started kicking me really hard
B-"Oh come on! This early"
I put my hand on my baby bump and rubbed it lightly
P-"Here let me try, maybe I can get them to calm down"
She got down low facing my stomach and stroked my baby bump lightly, they soon calmed down and she smiled then came back up
B-"You know only you and Jug can do that... they won't calm down for me and that's how it's gonna be when their born too! Their just gonna cry and cry and the only people that are gonna be able to call them down are you and Jug. If I can't even calm my babies down while I'm carrying them! How am I supposed to take care of them when their in my arms" *tears*
P-"Betty, your gonna be a great Mom and your doing a great job carrying them. They probably just get excited when they feel their Mommy's hands"
She hugged me and I put my hands on my belly and they kicked my hand while I stroked my belly lightly
P-"Also it's your birthday so let's get celebrating! I think your boyfriend is waiting for you downstairs so go get ready and your birthday special begins"
She smiled and helped me up before giving me a cute maternity dress, the dress was white with light pink lace and a matching cardigan.
I let me hair down and curled it before putting half up into a small bun in the back of my head and leaving the rest down. I did a natural makeup look with pink lip gloss, I sprayed some of my Victoria Secret perfume and grabbed my phone and my purse then threw on some light pink flats and walked downstairs where Jug was waiting for me.
J-"W-Wow you look... gorgeous"
I blushed and giggled
B-"Thank you, you don't look to bad yourself"
He came over and spun me around then crashed his lips into mine, it turned into a power but soft kiss
We both pulled away and looked at the twins and they both giggled then Jug took my hand and brought me out to his truck then helped me in and handed me a blindfold
J-"Here put this on"
I nodded then put it on and then Jug bucked my seatbelt and positioned it so it fit perfectly around my baby bump, then I heard him drive off.

J-"Ok we're here!"
I heard him get out of his side and come over to mine, I unbuckled my seatbelt and Jug helped me out of the car which was very hard being pregnant.
B-"This is a lot harder pregnant"
J-"Well you can take it off now"
I slid the blindfold down, reveling a cute little picnic on the grass. I looked at him and smiled,  he brushed his lips against mine and grabbed my hand then pulled me over to the blanket on the grass.
When we both sat down he pulled out 2 pop's bags and 2 milkshakes out of the picnic basket.
B-"Jug! You didn't have to do all of this!"
J-"Hell yeah I did, I want you to feel special"
B-"I do feel special everyday when I'm with you"
He cupped my face and planted soft kisses on my lips, the babies started kicking and we both smiled and looked down at my belly
J-"I think some little people are jealous, here are your kisses"
He bent down to my belly and planted soft kisses where the babies were kicking. He came back up and we started eating our burgers and fries.
When we were done with our food he pulled out a small plate of cupcakes with candles on them all, he pulled out a lighter and lit them all and turned his back so the wind wouldn't blow them out
J-"Ok make a wish before the wind blows them out"
I made a wish, I made a wish that my babies are healthy and blew out the candles, he placed down the plate and I took one and smashed it in his face
J-"Hey! What was that for!"
B-"For getting me pregnant"
I smirked and took another cupcake and started eating it
J-"I thought you were happy about that!"
B-"Well I am but I can't get a full 7 hours of sleep anymore"
J-"Trust me, if I could carry the babies I would"
B-"You wouldn't last a day"
He put a hand on his heart and gasped sarcastically
B-"But I am still happy that we're gonna have 2 babies in our arms in a few months"
J-"Me too"
He leaned over and gave me a soft kiss.

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