My Mistake part 21

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I opened my eyes to the bright light, I looked to my left and saw Polly sitting on the chair, as soon as she saw me she got up and rushed to my side
P-"Oh Betty I'm so sorry I left you alone, when I saw on the news that he confessed to being the black hood I came straight home"
B-"Polly it's ok, I'm fine and the babies- oh my god the babies! Are they ok?"
P-"Yes the babies are fine"
B-"Good, wait where are the twins?!"
P-"Veronica's at the apartment with the twins"
B-"A-And d-dad?"
P-"He was arrested and sentenced to prison for life"
B-"Good, when can I go home?"
P-"In a few hours"
B-"Thank you for staying"
P-"Of course, oh and they gave you some medicine for your cold"
I smiled, Polly and I continued talking until the doctor came in and told us I could go home  but I would have to stay off my feet for the next few days. So we got in the car and drove home.

I walked in the front door and was greeted by a big hug from Veronica.
V-"B! Oh my god I can't believe this are you ok?"
B-"Yes I'm fine, but you all shouldn't be to close to me I'm still sick"
V-"I don't care! I want to hug my best friend"
She squeezed me tight
B-"Calm down V I'm still pregnant" *laughs*
She chuckled and helped me over to the couch, then the twins came over and gave me another "checkup"
Veronica stayed for dinner and we laughed and talked then she went home and Polly helped me to my bed an I finally fell asleep after the medicine settled in.

~4 days later~
Betty's POV:
I was feeling a lot better and I was sitting on the couch with Veronica we were talking about how we need to go shopping because I can barely fit into my clothes but we were stopped by a knock at the door
B-"I'll get it"
V-"Hey your not supposed to be getting up!"
B-"I need to stretch my back"
I laughed and went to open the door, but when I opened the door my eyes widened
A-"Hi Betty"
B-"Mom what are you doing here?"
A-"I-I came to talk to you and Polly- is she here?"
She looked over my shoulder and when she saw Veronica her face frowned.
B-"No she just went out to the park with the twins, w-would you like to come in?"
A-"Oh um sure why not"
V-"Well I should get going, let me know when you wanna have that girls day, after you can walk"
B-"Yeah yeah yeah, I love you"
V-"I love you too I'll see you later"
I waved bye then went and sat on the couch with my Mom following behind me.
A-The first thing is that I-"
She was interrupted by Polly and the twins coming in the door, she had a few bags in her hands so I came over to help her but she stopped me
P-"And what do you think your doing up? The doctor said your support to stay off your feet for at least a week"
She looked up at me then she looked behind me and her face switched.
P-"What is she doing here?"
She pointed to Mom and my Mom just kept looking at the ground
B-"She came by to talk to us"
P-"I don't really want to talk to her, I have to get my kids ready for bed"
B-"I don't want to talk to her either but let's just get this over with" *whispers*
P-"Fine, June Dagwood go play in your room dinner will be ready in a little while"
They ran off into there room while we all sat down in the living room.
B-"Mom what is this about"

A-"I wanted to apologize to both of you, for kicking you both out and for how I reacted when I found out you guys were pregnant, I should have been there for you as your mother and supported you because you were both so scared but instead I just threw you both out like you were trash"
We both just nodded and smiled slightly
P-"What about Dad did you know he was going to come here and try and kill us but instead it ended up with Betty in the hospital?"
A-"What? You were in the hospital are you ok? Is the baby ok?"
She glanced down at my stomach and her eyes went wide at how big I was
B-"The babies and I are fine"
A-"Babies?!" Y-Your having twins?"
B-"Yes I am, and you know what so was Polly when you kicked her out! She was living on the streets working all day and night! While pregnant with twins! Just so she could provide for her children while the father of her babies was dead!"
I shot up and started yelling at my Mom, when I left another pain in my back and I winced in pain.

A-"Honey you should sit down"
B-"No don't you tell me what to do!"
P-"Betty she's right you need to sit down"
I sighed and plopped down on the couch while slightly rubbed my stomach.
A-"Look guys I know what I did was really wrong and there's really no excuse for my behavior but I would really like to be in yours and my grandchildren's life's"
P-"Fine, but one screw up and you leave us alone deal?"
They both looked at me for approval and I nodded my head.
A-"Well I should get going, we should go to the park with the twins tomorrow or something"
P-"Wait Mom, why don't you stay for dinner?"

My MistakeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon