My Mistake part 33

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Betty's POV:
I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs, I roll over and see 2 little bodies sleeping in Jug's place, I slowly get up and walk downstairs making sure not to not wake up the twins.
J-"Hey! How'd you sleep?"
B-"Pretty good, it's the first time I've sleep for a straight 5 hours in I don't even know how long"
J-"Well this I'm glad I could let you sleep"
I smiled and sat down
B-"But I've got a question... why are the twins sleeping in your spot?"
J-"I didn't know that I had a spot?"
He smirked and I just rolled my eyes
J-"But a little while after you fell asleep I heard the front door open so I went down to look at who it was and it was Polly carrying in the twins so I helped her carry the twins to their beds and Polly fell asleep, then earlier this morning I heard her on the phone she sounded angry... so I asked her what was wrong and she said that she couldn't find anyone to watch the twins today so I told her we could watch them she thanked me and headed to work, then the twins woke up and came into your room they asked if we could snuggle I said yes and then they said they were hungry so I got up and started to make breakfast and here we are"
B-"Awww your gonna be the best dad"
J-"I hope so, but your gonna be the best mommy ever"
I looked down at my belly and rubbed it lightly
The twins ran down the stairs and ran over to me
They gave me a hug and gave my belly a kiss
Ju-"Da babies kicked my hand!"
Jughead chuckled from the corner
B-"Yeah they do that a lot" *chuckles*
J-"Ok everyone breakfast is served!"
They walked over to the dinning room table and sat down before Jughead placed our plates in front of us, he pecked me on the lips and gave my belly a little rub before sitting down.

After breakfast I was washing dishes when I felt Jughead come up and hug me from behind
J-"Your so good at washing dishes"
B-"Thank you" *giggles*
J-"The twins are distracted by the tv so I thought I'd come over here and bring you over to the couch"
Before I could finish he swept me off my feet and carried me bridal style over to the couch
J-"There you go"
B-"Thank you" *chuckles*
J-"Your welcome gorgeous"
He pecked me on the lips before going and turning off the water then coming and sitting down next to me, we were both watching the twins playing together
J-"Do you think this is how it's gonna be when our kids are born?"
B-"Maybe, or maybe it'll be harder... we just need to be prepared"
He nodded and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer then the twins saw us and they came up to us and snuggled into our chest. We all were snuggled together under one blanket, Jughead had turned on a Disney movie for us to watch and eventually we all fell asleep.

~A few hours later~
Jughead's POV:
I woke up and looked to my side and everyone was still sleeping, even though it was almost 1 in the afternoon. I felt my phone vibrate and I looked at it and it was Veronica calling me, I slowly got up and walked upstairs being careful not to wake anyone up, once I got into Betty's room I answered the phone
V-"Hey Jughead"
V-"Um so I wanted to talk to you, is Betty around?"
J-"No she's sleeping with the twins downstairs"
V-"Ok, so as you know Betty's birthday is coming up in a few weeks and we both know she doesn't like people going out of there ways to do stuff for her, but I still wanted to do something special for her so I was thinking about a surprise birthday party, nothing to big just something with family and friends"
J-"Yeah, of course we could just do something here at her house, I already planned on taking her out shopping and I have a few more surprises for her"
V-"Ok perfect I'll talk to Cheryl, Toni, Polly, and Alice then I'll get back to you"
J-"Ok thanks Veronica, bye"
She hung up and I walked back down stairs to Betty helping the twins read, I snapped a picture of them and then they all turned to me and Betty smiled
They both ran to me and jumped into my arms, I brought them back over to the couch and set them down next to Betty, I pecked her lips before sitting back down on the small chair
J-"What were you guys doing?"
B-"We were reading to the babies"
The twins nodded there heads and picked up a book before giving it to me
D-"Read to us!"
J-"Ok ok"
I sat down on the floor while Betty laid out so her stomach was facing me, the twins came and sat in my lap before I opened up to the first page and started reading.

J-"The end..."
I closed the book and looked around the living room, the sun was starting to go down making a beautiful sunset, I looked behind me and Juniper was sleeping in Betty's arms. I looked at Dagwood snoring lightly in my arms, I chuckled and got up but I saw Dagwood moving a little bit then his eyes slowly opened, he rubbed his eyes and got up before walking over to me
J-"Hey buddy"
He put up his arms and I picked him up, he lauded his head on my shoulder and I walked over to the kitchen and looked at what I should make for dinner, I found things to make pizza with so I decided I would set up some stuff so when they woke up we could all make pizza.

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