My Mistake, part 1

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Bettys POV:
B- "Oh my god remember when I used to have a crush on you"
I laughed
A- "Oh yeah, wait you don't still have one on me now do you?" Archie stoped in his tracks
B-"No I'm with Jughead and your with Veronica"
A-"But if you did you know you could tell me right?"
B-"Of corse, but I don't" I stopped walking
We stared into each other's eyes and for a short second I fell in love with the boy standing right in front of me. We both looked at each other's lips and leaned in. It was a powerful kiss, when I suddenly heard a picture snap I look over to someone gasping and running away
B-"ARCHIE, w-we can't do this"

I ran to Jughead's trailer because I needed to tell him about me and Archie, before someone else does. When I got to the the trailer I just opened the door and I found Jughead crying then I saw the picture of me and Archie kissing on his phone.
B-"Jug I can explain"
J-"I thought that you loved me"
B-"I love you so much so so much this was a mistake please let me explain"
J-"No, t-th-ere's nothing you can do" ~tears~ 
J-"I've heard and seen enough" he slammed the door and I heard his motorcycle drive off, I ran out and slammed the door and ran all the way home.

When I got home I ran up to my room and called Kevin
Oh the phone:
K-"Hey Betty!"
B-"K-K-Kev-Kevin can you come over I did someone re-really stupid, and I c-can't be alone right now ~sobs~
K-"Betty it's almost 1am wh-"
B-"Kev please" ~voice crack~
K-"Yeah sure I'm on my way"

Kevin gets there and knocks on the front door and Betty goes to open it with tears stained to her face and mascara dripping down her face.
B-"Kev! Th-thank y-you for c-coming ~hugs him~
K-"Yeah no problem, but Betty where are your parents and why are you crying and why did u call me at almost 1 in the morning and not Veronica?"
B-"My parents are at like a convention upstate and they won't be back until Sunday (it's Friday) and the rest I'll explain but you might want to sit down for this"
~Explains everything to Kevin~
K-"So you and Archie kissed!"
B-"Thanks Kev your so supportive" ~sniffles~
K-"At lease I'm not the one that cheated"
B-"Oh shut up"
I threw a pillow at Kevin
K-"So what are you gonna do?"
B-"I don't kn-"
K-"Did the kiss mean anything to you?"
B-"No it didn't mean anything! I don't even know why I did it"
K-"Do you still love Jughead?!"
B-"Of corse I love him! I don't know what got into me when Archie and I kissed, I fucked up my relationship with Jug and my friendship with Veronica! all I have left are you Cheryl and Toni.
I walked to the refrigerator to grab some tuna then I got an awful whiff of something, I ran to the bathroom and threw up not even 3 seconds later I heard Kevin running in holding back my hair and rubbing my back
K-"Hey what happened?!"
B-"I don't know Kev, what does it look like happened?"
K-"Geez someone's moody"

(At the same time) Jughead's POV:
I pulled up to the White Worm wand as soon as I walked inside and turned my head I saw the one person I hated the most, Archie Andrews, and I turned around
J-"This isn't your place to be right now carrot top, beat it"
A-"C'mon man you don't really want to do this right now"
I started to feel eyes then to us
J-"Oh don't worry your not worth it"
I started to walked away but then he said the words that I thought would never come out of his mouth
A-"Is this about Betty?"

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