My Mistake part 40

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V-"Let's see the ring!"
I chuckled and pulled out the ring and they all gasped and put their hands up to their mouths
C-"It's beautiful"
J-"I know I really hope she says yes"

~2 months later~
Betty's POV:
I'm 8 months pregnant and it's so tiring, I went back to work at Pop's 2 months ago and I haven't stopped I'm just trying to take my mind off of the stress of giving birth and being a mother I'm freaking out.
I've talked with Jughead about it and that brings me peace but ever since he took the girls away to talk to them that time at Pop's he's been... different like he's hiding something, I've tried to talk to the girls and Jughead about it but they just say that nothing is going on, but I know there's something someone's not telling me.
Today when I woke up the house was empty, then it happened I felt a pain in my lower stomach, I think it was a contraction but I wasn't sure and if it was it was too early and my water hadn't broken yet so I was fine to go to work so I just got up and showered then threw on my work outfit and left the house. When I was in my car I got another pain, at this point I was sure they were contractions but it was too early and my water hadn't broken so I headed off to work.
When I got to Pop's I was greeted by Veronica giving me a hug and giving my belly a little rub
V-"Your huge B!"
I sarcastically rolled my eyes
V-"No not like that your beautiful and have beautiful babies growing inside of you"
B-"I just can't wait til their out, don't get me wrong I love being pregnant but it's hard and tiring carrying around these guys all day"
I grabbed my apron and Veronica helped me tie it then I walked over to my first table and started taken their order but in the middle of taking their order I got another contraction, I excused myself and walked over to behind the counter. I closed my eyes and rubbed my belly
B-"Come on babies stay in their a little longer I want you both to be healthy"
I whispered to my belly and just as Veronica walked out she ran over to me
V-"B are you ok?"
B-"Yeah yeah I'm fine"
V-"Really because it looks like your in-"
B-"I'm fine V"
V-"Ok sorry"
She picked back up her tray and carried it back over to the table and the contraction stopped so I went back over to the table and continued working.

~A few hours later~
I've had 3 contractions in the last 2 hours and another one just started, I walked behind to the back and with my luck Veronica happened to pass by as soon as I was in the middle of it
V-"Ok I don't care what you say your in labor"
B-"N-No it's to early"
V-"Ok well these babies are ready to come out so we need to get you to the hospital"
B-"No i-i'm fine m-my water hasn't even broken yet"
And if it didn't have better timing I felt a warm liquid running down my leg and Veronica and I both looked down
V-"Ok can we go to the hospital now!"
B-"Yeah ok let's go"
She smiled and helped me walk to out to my car, she got me in the passenger seat and she hopped in the drivers seat and started driving to the hospital
B-"Wait! I have to call Jug- owwwwww"
I got out my phone and called Jug
J-"Hey betts"
J-"Baby what's wrong?"
B-"T-The- ow! The babies a-are coming"
J-"Really?! Are you home?"
B-"No I'm with Veronica she's driving me to the hospital"
J-"Ok I'm on my way, I love you stay strong ok baby I'll see you at the hospital"
B-"I love you too"
I hung up and clutched my belly
B-"Ouch! Oh god that hurts"
V-"I know B here let's talk to take your mind off the pain, um have you guys decided on the names?"
B-"Y-Yeah we were gonna wait until they were born to announce them but I'll tell you... Ashton and Juliet Jones"
V-"Aw B those are amazing!"
She reached a hand over and rubbed my belly
V-"Ok um- wait where's your hospital bag?"
B-"I-It's in my trunk, we agreed to just keep it in their just in case"
V-"Wow you guys were prepared" *chuckles*
B-"Yeah we- ow ow ow, V it really hurts!"
V-"I know I know but we're almost there"
She sped up while I groaned the whole time
V-"Ok B we're here!"
She hopped out of the car and ran over to me and helped me out then got my hospital bag and helped me walk into the hospital
V-"Um uh can we get some help here my best friend is in labor!"
A few nurses rushed over and helped me into a wheelchair and told Veronica which room I could go, Veronica wheeled me into my own private room and helped me onto the bed. She clapped her hands together and handed me the dress the nurse left for me to put on
V-"Go change into this and I'll go get you some ice chips"
B-"Thanks V, oh and if you see Jug let him know what room I'm in please"
V-"Ok I'll be back!"
B-"Thank you"
She smiled and walked out while I went into the bathroom and changed into the dress
B-"I can't wait to meet you 2 I love you and I'll see you soon"
I said looking into the mirror and and lightly stroking my belly... here we go

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