My Mistake part 19

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Reggie nodded his head before I got up and walked over to Veronica
B-"Good luck V I love you"
V-"Thank you B, bye babies"
She bent down to my stomach and smiled
R-"Oh congrats on the babies... Veronica was telling me how much she already loves them"
B-"She sure does"
We all laughed before I smiled and left.

Veronica's POV:
When Betty left I took Reggie's hand and brought him back over to the couch, I needed to tell him about Archie.
V-"So the reason why Betty called you over here was because I had a panic attack, and the reason why I had a panic attack is because I saw Archies car out my window"
R-"Is it because he's your ex.. or is it something else?"
V-"W-When we were together h-he came home one night and started h-hitting me then the next day I told him about it but he denied it and when I kept saying he did it he did it again, then he stormed out and I saw him cheating on me with Josie then he kept abusing me until I saw him kiss Betty then he left town, b-but I thought he was b-back, I'm so sorry I didn't tell you" *sobs*
R-"Oh Ronnie come here"
He pulled me into a hug as I cried into his shoulder.

A-"I didn't do that!"
V-"Archie yes you did! You came home drunk and y-you started hitting me!" *sobs*
A-"No I didn't you little bitch!"
He stormed over to me and slapped me across the face, he started hitting on my arms before I stopped him
V-"P-Please s-stop!" *sobs*
A-"Fine but your lucky I didn't do more, because you deserve it all you lying slut!"
He ran out and slammed the door behind him, I ran to the bathroom and took out a razor
V-"I c-can't do this anymore"
I turned on the razor when I heard my phone ring I looked at it and it was Betty, I smiled slightly and picked up
B-"Ok V I know this might sounds a little crazy but I think I might be pregnant!"
V-"O-Oh my god B r-really"
I tried to hide that I was crying as best as possible
B-"Yeah I've hadn't been feeling good for a few days and I was supposed to end my period today but I haven't even started it"
V-"Ok well I'll get you a test and meet me here in like 2 hours, sound good?"
B-"Yeah thank you so much V, see you then"
I hung up and totally forgot about the razor and went to go get Betty a test from the drugstore.
~End of flashback~
V-"Oh my god!"
I got up and went into my closet, I grabbed the unopened pregnancy test and went and sat on my bed
R-"Holy hell, Ronnie are you pregnant?"
V-"No no! I bought this for Betty a couple of months ago, she called me- she saved my life"
R-"Ronnie you lost me"
Reggie gave me a confused look and I told him everything that happen that day.
V-"And I was on my way to Pop's when Archie text me and that's when I saw Betty and Archie kissing!"
R-"Ronnie, you know I love you so much and if you ever feel like hurting your self again you call me, I don't care if it's 2 in the morning and your across the ocean I'll be there as fast as I can"
V-"Thank you Reggie, I love you too"
I kissed him and then we cuddled up in my bed and eventually fell asleep.

Betty's POV:
When I got home I was really tired so I started to walk to my room when I heard little cries coming from inside my room I opened the door and saw Juniper crying by a picture of Jughead, with her stuffed animal Jughead had bought her in her arms.
She looked up at me with her beautiful green eyes just like Polly's
J-"H-Hi auntie"
B-"Juniper what's wrong?"
I put my purse down on my dresser and sat down next to her
J-"I-I miss Juggie"
B-"Aw baby I miss him too"
J-"What if when he comes back he wuvs the babies more then me" *cries*
B-"I don't know if he's coming back, but if he does that I know that no one could replace you"
J-"Can I sleep with you and the babies tonight auntie?" *sniffles*
B-"Of course! The babies miss you"
B-"Of course!"
J-"I missed you too babies"
She kissed my stomach then snuggled up into my chest and we fell asleep.

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