My Mistake part 14

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~Skip to Wednesday~
Betty's POV:
I woke up in my new bed the sun beaming in threw the windows, my bedroom door creaked open as the twins tiptoed into my room and came up onto my bed
B-"Good morning"
J-"Good mornin"
Juniper said as she snuggled into my neck as she got under the covers
D-"I want cuddles too"
B-"Of course come here"
I opened my the blanket and he came over snuggling into my arms, a few minutes later I felt a rush of nausea come over me I hopped up and ran to the bathroom with my hand over my mouth, I kneeled down by the toilet as I heard the twins come running in
D-"Auntie are you otay?"
B-"Yeah I'm fi-"
I couldn't even find my sentence before I started throwing up
J-"Mama! Mama! Auntie is sicky!"
They both ran into Polly's room seconds later Polly running into the bathroom and holding my hair back
P-"Shhh Shhh it's ok"
B-"I'm- sorry- I- woke- you- up-"
P-"Betty don't worry about it"
When I was done Polly rubbed by back as I sighed
B-"I hate throwing up"
P-"I know you do"
We heard the door creep open and the twins stick there little heads in
J-"Can we come in?"
B-"Of course"
They came in and sat on there step stools
J-"Mama can we go swimming today?"
P-"Not today baby"
D-"Awwww why not"
P-"Because auntie has a doctors appointment to check on the baby"
J-"So we can see the baby in aunties tummy!"
D-"Can we go swimming after?"
P-"Sure" *laughs*
B-"I'm gonna hop in the shower then we can head out"
P-"Ok, let's go make breakfast!"
She helped me up and I got in the shower.

~a couple of minutes later~
Polly's POV:
I got the twins and my-self dressed before I made some quick breakfast and served it to the twins before I glanced at the clock and realized
P-"Betty! We have to go!"
B-"Ok I'm coming!"
I started putting on the twins shoes as Betty came out
P-"Ready to go?"
P-"Ok let's go!"
Dagwood grabbed my hand while Juniper grabbed Betty's and we headed out.

~At the doctors office~
Betty's POV:
My leg was bouncing up and down the whole car ride here, when we walked into the waiting room I checked in at the front desk then we waited for my name to be called.
N-" Elizabeth Cooper"
B-"T-That's me"
N-"Ok please follow me"
I stood up as Polly grabbed my hand and we followed the nurse.
As the nurse opened the door to a room we walked in Juniper and Dagwood ran over to the small bin of toys under the table while Polly stayed with me and helped me onto the chair.
N-"Ok the doctor should be in soon"
B-"O-Ok thank you"
I turned to Polly with a scared look on my face
P-"Betty it's going to be ok"
I nodded my head with a weak smile, we heard a knock on the door then the doctor come in.
D-"Hi Elizabeth"
B-"H-Hi, you can call me Betty"
D-"Hi I'm Eliz-Betty's doctor nice to meet- Polly? Polly Cooper?"
P-"Oh hi!"
They hugged each other as if they new each other
B-"Do you know each other?"
P-"Yeah! She was my doctor for when I was pregnant with the twins"
D-"Yeah and I was also your mothers doctor when she was pregnant with Polly and when she was pregnant with you, even when she was pregnant with Charles- are these the twins?"
She pointed over to the twins playing with the toys in the corner
P-"Yup perfectly happy and healthy"
D-"That's great, now Betty your here for?"
B-"I have been having pregnancy symptoms and I took a few test and they were all positive"
D-"Ok well how about I give you an ultrasound and you'll get to see your baby"
I nodded before the lights turned off and a screen turned on, I lifted up my shirt as she put on some very cold gel on my stomach my back arched at the cold feeling
D-"Oh sorry I should have mention that it was cold"
B-"It's ok"
She pulled over a machine with a wand attached to it, she picked it up and placed it on  my stomach she started moving it around and all of a sudden a small dot appeared on the screen the twins came over and looked right up at the screen.
D-"And that is your baby"
The doctor pointed to the small dot on the screen as the room filled with a heartbeat.
Tears filled my eyes as Polly squeezed my hand
B-"That's my baby" *tears*
P-"Yeah that is"
J-"Mama is that aunties baby?"
P-"Yeah baby that is!"
D-"But what's the other thing?"

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