My Mistake part 5

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Betty's POV:

When I got home I was greeted by my parents.
A-"Hey honey"
B-"Mom Dad your home!"
H-"Yeah we got back a little early, where have you been? We've been waiting here for 2 hours"
B-"I-I was at Pop's with Veronica, Cheryl, and Toni"
A-"Oh that's too bad we ordered pizza"
B-"O-Oh um yeah I-I'm gonna go up to my room, I have a test tomorrow and I have to study some more"
A-"Ok honey, have fun"
I remembered the pregnancy test in my bathroom, I sprinted up to my bathroom already out of breathe when I got up the stairs.
I opened the door to my bathroom and saw the 2 pregnancy test in the open on the counter by the sink, I grabbed them both and hid them under some of my clothes in my dresser, letting out a sigh knowing that the proof of me being pregnant is somewhere safe where hopefully my parents won't find them.
After I got changed into some more comfortable clothes, I was finishing my homework when my mom came into my room with a basket of clothes.
B-"U-Uh h-hey Mom"
A-"Hi honey, I have your clothes from the wash I'll put them away in your dresser"
Oh no the pregnancy test! I couldn't let her see those!
B-"No! I'll do it"
I grabbed the basket from her and started putting the clothes in my dresser"
A-" Elizabeth! Since when do you grab laundry baskets out of my hands?"
B-"I-I, you just do SO much for everyone s-so I thought it wouldn't hurt to do some things my-self"
A-"Well thank you, get some sleep I'll see you in the morning good night"
B-"Good night mom"
I let out a big sigh after my mom closed the door, I hoped onto my bed and lifted up my shirt putting my shaky hand on my little stomach, "hi little baby, that woman that just walked out was your grandma I know she's going to love you so much. Daddy would have loved you too b-but he's not here right now, but mommy is and aunt Cheryl and aunt Toni and auntie V, and other people too, well once I tell them about you. Anyway good night baby"
I put back down my shirt and fell asleep

The next morning Betty's POV:

I woke up with morning sickness as usual, I ran to the bathroom praying my parents didn't hear me.
I say ok the floor in my bathroom my back propped up against the cold wall thinking if Jughead was here would he hold my hair back would he even want this baby? Thoughts racing through my mind I glanced at my phone at the bright like read "6:00" I got up brushed my teeth and got ready for school.
H-"Morning Honey"
I was greeted by my parents downstairs.
A-"Would you like anything to eat?"
B-"No I'm good I have to meet Veronica, I'll see you guys later"
A-"Ok bye!"
I grabbed my keys walked out the door and drove to school.

Alice's POV:

H-"Well I have to get to work, are you coming today?"
A-"No I think I'm gonna stay home and catch up on some house work"
H-"Ok see you later, bye"
After Hal left I started going around the house emptying all of the trash cans, when I got to Betty's room I opened the door to her bathroom and grabbed her little trash can all of a sudden I saw a plastic white stick I picked it up and realized it was a pregnancy test! Betty's pregnant!? So many things racing through mind I searched her room for more evidence that she could be pregnant, I mean it could just be a false positive if it's not she's gonna be a teen mom just like me, just like Polly.
After a few minutes of searching I found the rest of the pregnancy test under some clothes in her dresser, I ran downstairs to my phone and called Hal.

A-"I know! I found the pregnancy test in her room!
H-"I knew we shouldn't have let her date that south side scum! First you then Polly AND NOW BETTY"
A-"Hal none of our pregnancy's were planned!"
Then Betty walked in the front door.

Betty's POV
~at home~
I walked into the door to my parents arguing.
B-"W-What why?"
He threw down my 3 pregnancy test on the table, one half shattered"
B-"You went through my room!?"
A-"No I was cleaning out your trash can when I saw it on the floor!"
H-"But that's not the point Betty! How could you let this happen! You know what happened to Polly and your Mother! DID YOU REALLY WANT TO BE LIKE THEM!"
H-"Well your not going to live under my roof with that mistake, so either you get rid of that mistake or you leave this house and never come back"
B-"Fine if that's what you really want I'll pack my stuff and be out by tonight, and for the record! I was going to tell you guys when I got home and I thought we could work this out, I thought you guys were going to support me! Or at lease be there for me but I thought wrong" *sobs*
I ran up to my room and started packing

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