My Mistake part 20

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~4 weeks later~
Betty's POV:
I'm about 13 week pregnant and right now I have the flu which is 10 times harder pregnant, I took a few days off work and stayed in my room as best as possible because I didn't want to get anyone else sick but that of course didn't stop Veronica and Polly from taking care of me, even Juniper and Dagwood would dress up in there little doctors outfits and give me checkups it made me laugh even when I felt like like doubling over and throwing up.
I still haven't heard from Jughead and I knew that he had forgotten about me and that my babies were never going to meet there Dad.
I just got up from my nap when I heard knocking at my door then Juniper and Dagwood walked into my room dressed in there doctors outfits and they had there little stethoscopes around there necks, they even had there medical bags in there hands it was so cute! I couldn't wait until my babies did that.
D-"How are you fewling auntie?"
B-"A little bit better"
J-"Good, now we need to give you a checkup!"
I weakly sat up as they put there masks over there mouths looked at each other and nodded there heads before walking over to me and getting out there stethoscopes.
D-"First the babies"
They both put there stethoscopes up to my stomach and started giggling
J-"The babies are ok now aunties turn"
They both put there stethoscopes up to my chest
D-"Ok auntie you and the babies are all good"
B-"Thank you doctors"
J-"Of course, mama should be in with tea soon"
P-"How does she look doc's?"
Polly came in and gave me a warm cup of tea I smiled and sipped it slightly
D-"She looks all good!"
J-"And the babies are healthy too!"
P-"Good" *laughs*
Then she turned to me
P-"How are you really feeling?" *whispers*
B-"Like shit* *whispers*
I tried to sit up but I got a sharp pain in my lower back and I let out a small cry
P-"Are you ok?"
B-"Y-Yeah j-just some b-back pain"
I lay back down and wrap my self up in my bathrobe that I haven't gotten out of since my bath last night.
P-"I have to run a few errands and I'll be back in a little while, oh and I'm dropping the twins off at daycare"
B-"You don't have to do tha- ow!"
I got hit my another wave of back pain.
P-"Betty I'm taking them to daycare and I'm taking you to the doctors when I get back"
B-"Ugh fine, I'm only not arguing with you because I don't have the energy to"
P-"Good, now do you need anything before I go?"
B-"No I'm good"
She nodded left my room and I fell back asleep.

It's been a couple of hours since Polly left and I was sitting on my bed watching tv when I heard the door open I got up and looked to see if it was Polly but I couldn't believe who I saw, my dad.
H-"There you are Betty, I've been looking for you"
He then pulled out a gun and pointed it at me
B-"D-Dad w-what are you doing?"
H-"Your a sinner, you and your slut of a sister!"
B-"Don't call her that!"
H-"Or what? What are you gonna do?"
I stayed quiet holding back my tears
B-"D-Dad p-please don't do this"
H-"You know your lucky that your slutty sister let you stay here"
I stayed quite
H-"You know Betty you were always my favorite you never disappointed me never was whoring around, that was until I heard about your little mistake"
He pointed his gun to my stomach
B-"P-Please don't do it, I want my babies to live please" *cries*
H-"Oh babies? Just like your sister- speaking of where is she and her little mistakes"
B-"Even if we didn't plan our pregnancy's there not our mistakes! They're our babies and we love them"
I was trying the best that I could to stand but I was getting light headed and nauseous
B-"P-Please don't do this, mom would never forgive you Polly! Would never forgive you"
H-"I don't care about them! I came here to kill you and your sister but luckily for that slut you are the only one home"
He smirked before pointing the gun back up to me, I held my stomach protectively before I heard him fall onto the floor. I looked up and saw Polly standing there with a bat in her hand
She came running to me before everything went black.

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