My Mistake part 7

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B-"H-Hi Poll"
P-"Betty what the hell are you doing here!? It's almost 2 am!"
B-"I-I really need your help" *voice cracks*
P-"Uh-e-yeah- sure come in"
I came in set my purse on the dining room table and went to her small hut cozy living room, sitting down on the couch.
P-"Uhhh want any coffee?"
She said yawning and getting out the coffee pot
B-"Uh I don't think it's good for me to be having anymore coffee right now"
P-"I mean I know it's 2 am but is there any other reason why?"
B-"W-Well that's actually the reason why I came here, I'm pregnant"
She turned around so fast she knocked over her mug into the floor making it shatter we both jumped at the shattering sound, then we head 2 cry's
We both ran to the twin's room both picking up one of the 2 crying baby's
P-"Awww it's okay, did mommy scare you"
She said in a baby voice.
B-"You scared me" *laughs*
P-"Well when you give me news like that-"
J-"Mama milky"
P-"There not gonna go back to sleep unless they get there bottles, I-here take Juniper I'll go warm up there bottles"
She handed me Juniper and I went out into the living room and sat down on the couch.

After she was done making the bottles she took Juniper and handed me a bottle to feed to  Dagwood, she sat down on the other couch facing me, feeding the bottle to Juniper.

P-"So what are you gonna do?"
B-"Regarding to?"
P-"Your baby"
B-"Well, Mom found my pregnancy test when she was cleaning, then when I got home they said I could either give up my mistake or they would kick me out, and I said I wouldn't give up the baby so they-"
P-"Kicked you out"
P-"They did it to you too" *whispers*
B-"What do you mean?"
P-"They did the same thing to me"
B-"Wh-But they told me you decided to move out and they got you an apartment"
P-"Yeah well that's was a lie, you see mom and dad hated the fact that I was pregnant so they said the same thing to me and I told them I'm not getting rid of my mistake so they kicked me to the curb and I got a job lived at a homeless shelter for a while, then I saved up enough money for a car and eventually got this apartment"
B-"Oh my god Poll I had no idea, I don't even know what to do with school, a place to live I'm j-just so lost" *tears*
P-"Aw Betty don't cry, what about Jughead can't you live with him? Isn't he the father?"
I started to cry more
B-"Y-Yeah he is, b-but he left, I kissed Archie and he left before he found out I was pregnant" *sobs*

Just as I stared wiping my tears Polly's face lit up.
P-"Betty I have a great idea! Why don't you live with me!"
B-"Oh Polly I couldn't"
P-"Betty your not saying no, I could help you with the pregnancy, with school, with getting a job, even when the baby's born I can help you"
P-"Yes, please Betty"
B-"Oh alright!"
B-"Ok but first I think we all need sleep"
P-"Your right, there's a cot in the guess bedroom, but it's not comfortable so I'll take the cot you take my bed"
B-"Polly- I can't take your bed I'll take the cot"
P-"No Betty your pregnant"
B-"I-Fine I'm really not going to win this"
P-"Good choice, I also have my maternity clothes and I have some pj's so you don't have to go to your car"
B-"What did I do to deserve you?"
P-"I don't know"
I hugged Polly as she was giving me the pj's, I got changed and went to bed.

The next morning...
Betty's POV:
I woke up with a quick rush of nausea, I ran to the bathroom and threw up, soon enough I heard footsteps coming towards the bathroom I soon felt hands rubbing my back and holding back my hair.
B-"Ugh, I hate morning sickness"
P-"Yeah that was the worse part, and when I was pregnant with twins it's was 10 times worse"
We both chuckled
B-"Yeah I'm so glad you can help me out, thank you again"
P-"Of corse Betty, I know how hard it can be being pregnant alone but your not alone anymore you have me!"
B-"Yes I do, and I am very thankful"
Polly helped me up and I washed my face and brushed my teeth.
P-"Get ready we have a big day ahead of us, we're going to make an appointment, get you a job, talk to your school, go shopping, and your going to babysit for a little while"
B-"Oh my god! I totally forgot about a job or even an appointment, I'm gonna be a terrible mother!" *tears*
P-"Oh god the hormones have already started" *whispers*
B-"Haha, very funny"
We both chuckled then my smile turned into a frown with tears forming in my eyes
P-"Betty what's wrong?"
B-"I s-still h-have to tell Jughead about the the b-baby" *sobs*
P-"Betty what's there to worry about"
B-"W-What if he doesn't want the baby, o-or what if he-"
P-"Betty Jughead is a good person I know he loves you and I know he will love this baby, and if he doesn't want to be there for you, you know I am here"
B-"T-Thank you"
She took me into her arms as I sobbed then we heard little giggles coming from the twins room, we both looked at each other and chuckled before going to the twins room.

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