My Mistake part 41

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V-"I'm back!"
She walked in the door with a cup of ice chips, she handed me the cup and sat down in the chair beside me
B-"Did you see Jug anywhere?"
V-"No but I'm sure he'll be here any second"
I sighed, he better get here soon.

Jughead's POV:
I rushed over to my truck and started driving to the hospital when I realized I didn't have the ring! So I took a sharp turn to the house and ran in and grabbed the ring in my desk drawer.
When I got it I ran back out to my truck and started to drive to the hospital but there is an accident on the main road there's traffic everywhere, I really need to hurry I can't miss the birth of my babies.

Betty's POV:
B-"Ow! Ow! Owwwwww!"
I squeezed Veronica's hand as another contraction came on, mid way through the contraction the doctor came in
D-"Hi! How are we doing today?"
B-"Good- ow!"
D-"Ok well let's take a look at how many centimeter dilated"
I gave her a weak smile as she put on some gloves
D-"Ok well it looks like your only 5 centimeter dilated so it might be a while, when did your contractions start?"
B-"T-This morning"
D-"And how far apart have they been?"
B-"This morning they were 2 hours apart, and now they're..."
V-"Every 12 minutes and last almost 60 seconds"
D-"Well looks like auntie's on top of everything" *chuckles*
We all chuckled and Veronica looked very proud
D-"Ok well everything looks great... I'll come check on you in an hour or so"
B-"Thank you"
D-"Of course- oh I almost forgot to ask did you want an epidural? It's just a shot that goes in your back and will help with the pain"
B-"Um no thank you I think I'm gonna do this all natural"
We both exchanged a smile before she walked out the door and another contraction started
I softly spoke while squeezing her hand
V-"Yeah B?"
B-"Where is he? Where is the father of my babies he's supposed to be here!"
V-"I know B he'll be here soon I promise, i'lI go call him after this contraction ends"
I cried into her arm while also squeezing her hand as hard as I could.
When the contraction was over she walked out of the room to call Jug and I got my phone and called Cheryl, Toni, Polly, and my mom. Toni was with the serpents and said she would bring them.

Veronica's POV:
When I stepped out of Betty's room I immediately called Jughead and he picked up
V-"Jughead where the hell are you?!"
J-"I'm stuck in traffic, how's Betty?"
V-"She's in pain and she needs you"
J-"Damn it ok I'll be there in 15 minutes tops"
V-"Just hurry up your never gonna forgive your self if you miss your children's birth"
J-"I know I'll be there soon just take care of her for me please"
V-"I will"
J-"Thank you"
I hung up and walked back into Betty's room and saw lunged over the bed, I ran over and started rubbing her back while she groaned I hated seeing her like this and I know she hates it even more that Jughead's not here, damn it Jughead where are you.

Betty's POV:
D-"Ok well it looks like your at 7 centimeters it shouldn't be much longer"
B-"O-Ok thank you"
She nodded and walked back out
B-"V! It's been an hour since you called him! Where the fuck is he!?"
V-"I don't know B he'll be here soon"
Everyone but Jughead had arrived, but only Veronica, Toni, Polly, and my mom were in my room because it wasn't big enough to fit everyone else. Another contraction came over me and I grabbed her hand while my mom dabbed my forehead with a cold cloth, Polly grabbed my other hand, and Toni rubbed my back. I cried from the pain and from Jug not being here, then to everyone's surprise someone burst through the door, we all turned our heads and saw Jug standing there he ran to me and kissed my forehead
J-"I'm so sorry baby I'm so sorry that I'm late"
B-"Baby it's fine, all that matters is that your here now- owwwww!"
D-"Well let's take a look, and... your dilated 10 centimeters!"
B-"Oh thank god!"
D-"But the father is allowed in the room during the birth so everyone else out!"
They all came over and gave me a hug and wished me luck
V-"Take care of her"
I saw Veronica whisper into his ear and then hug me and pat my belly
V-"I'll see you 2 soon"
She smiled at my belly. Once everyone was out of the room they gave Jug some scrubs to put on, once he was done a few nurses came in and got everything ready
D-"Ok are we ready?"
B-"Ready as I'll ever be"

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